
Monday 4 February 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-2-2019: World Cancer Day

4th February. 2019.

Yes: I’ve officially managed to smash my phone’s screen.

Yesterday afternoon, the dratted thing managed to slide off my desk and landed — screen down — on the wooden floor.

And ended up extremely smashed.

I am not a happy bunny.

It’s usable.

Just about.

But I’m going to go into town, later to see if anyone can repair it at a reasonable price.


I have to admit, though?

One thing that did lift my mood, last night … ?

Bless him, was my nephew, Jude.

I think he’s possibly got a talent for silly voices … and a thing about dragons.

Ahem … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*,Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 4th February is World Cancer Day.   It was first marked in which year?
Q2) The disease itself involves abnormal cell what: growth, function or secretion?
Q3) A 2011 survey found 1 in 10 of cancers in men, and 1 in 33 in woman, were caused by their intake of what: heroin, alcohol or tobacco?
Q4) Tobacco is said to cause one in five of all cancer deaths.   It, and other cancer causing chemicals, are known as what … ?
Q5) Finally … ?   What’s the branch of medicine that deals with cancer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The first paper money in what’s was to become the USA, was issued on 3rd February, 1690.   Where: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania or New Amsterdam?
Q2) Harold McMillan made a major speech, on 3rd February, 1960: in South Africa.   He spoke passionately about the winds of … what?
A2) Change.
Q3) The Benelux Union was formed on 3rd February, 1958.   Name any one of the three nations that formed the Union.
A3) Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg.
Q4) Mehmed 2nd inherited the throne of the Ottoman Empire on 3rd February, 1451: for the second time.   He’s also known as Mehmed the … what?
A4) Conqueror.
Q5) Finally … ?   3rd February, 1826, saw the birth of journalist and essayist, Walter Bagehot.   Which of his works concentrates on the Parliament and monarchy of the UK?
A5) The English Constitution.   (Apparently, the Queen, Prince Charles, Prince William, George 6th, George 5th, the Queen’s grandfather, have all read it.   If I remember what I’ve read, correctly, its advice about constitutional monarchy is considered basic.)
Here’s a thought …
“Cancer exists in various forms, which, although differing from each other in many points, have yet certain common characters to which they owe their special significance.”
From the Cancer entry in the 1911 Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
And a video: Lydon wrote Death Disco after his mother died from Cancer …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, @Badwolf … !

†        I’ll have to try my damnedest to see it, Olga.   But, right at the moment … ?   Well, the phone’s situation is going to chew up my savings, I know that … !

‡        I was talking about the arm, Debbi!   Brain rebooting’s a bit … you know … iffy!


  1. Q1) 2006
    Q2) Growth
    Q3) alcohol
    Q4) carcinogens
    Q5) oncology
    I hope the phone repair is not too expensive!

  2. (1) 2008 (2)cell growth (3)Tobacco (4)carcinogens (5)Oncology

  3. My arm isn't the problem. Dystonia (in my case) is caused by post-stroke brain injury.

    1. 2011
    2. growth
    3. alcohol
    4. carcinogens
    5. oncology


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