
Friday 8 February 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th February, 2019.

8th February, 2019.

Quick: have a look at the intro video … !

Right … 

That’s the official announcement.

I’m doing a charity appeal on FB, for my birthday: on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Society.

As you may or may not know, the condition — or a variety — killed my grandma.   And my favourite author.

So when Facebook’s automated system threw up the idea of doing an appeal — to mark my birthday, next month — it seemed like a good idea … 

And — as far as I was concerned? — there was only one choice of charity.

Feel free to donate, if it’s something that concerns you: either via the Facebook page I’ve set up, or directly through the link.

It’s a good cause that I suspect many of us are familiar with … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring 9 out of ten and Badwolf on eight.

The day also saw Olga‡ looking in to say hello.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 8th February, 1952, saw Elizabeth 2nd proclaimed as Queen of the UK.   She is one of only two queens regnant on the throne, as of 2019.   Who’s the other … ?
Q2) The East German secret police were established: on 8th February, 1950.   What were those police called?
Q3) 8th February, 2010, saw 36 avalanches triggered by a freak storm: in which mountain range … ?
Q4) 8th February celebrated as Parinirvana Day: buy some members of which religion?
Q5) Finally … 8th February, 2017, saw the death of scriptwriter, Alan Simpson.   He’d famously worked on many comedy shows: with which writer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 7th February saw the birth of writer, novelist, essayist and social critic, Charles Dickens.   In which year?
A1) 1812.
Q2) In which Hampshire town … ?
A2) Landport.
Q3) He published various short pieces for various newspapers: under which pen name?
A3) Boz.
Q4) What was Dickens’s first novel?
A4) The Pickwick Papers: or The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club, if you want it in full.
Q5) Which of Dickens’ novels is set in both London, and Paris?
Q6) Actress and singer, Nell Campbell — credited as Little Nell, when she played Columbia in The Rocky Horror Show/The Rocky Horror Picture Show — takes her stage name from a character in which Dickens novel?
Q7) Dickens appears in Dr Who episode, The Unquiet Dead, when A Christmas Carol gets a mention.   The Doctor is actually trying to remember the name of which other ghostly, Christmas, Dickens story?
A7) The Signal.   (It’s loosely based on a real world train crash Dickens survived.)
Q8) Talking of A Christmas Carol?   Who’s the first ghost to visit Scrooge?
A8) Jacob Marley, his (dead) bussiness partner.
Q9) Lon Chaney, Sr, Richard Dreyfuss and Timothy Spall, have all played which Dickens character?
A9) Fagin, from Oliver Twist.
Q10) Finally … ?   Dickens’ last novel was unfinished at the time of his death.   What was it called?
Here’s a thought …
“And let it be known that if a farmer wishes to burn his cotton, his house, his family, and himself, he may do so. But not his corn. We want that.”
General William Tecumsah Sherman, February 8, 1820 – February 14, 1891.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah: I’m actually trying to find the subtitles, now, @Badwolf^: all the title cars are in German … !   (Actually, could you mention the appeal to @Greebobek, please, @Badwolf?   I know he’s a Pratchett fan, too.)

†        Can you pass my thanks to Rick, please, Debbi^?   That’s MUCH appreciated!   It killed my Gran: so I know where he’s coming from.

‡        Sounds like someone had a busy day, Olga^!   There’s always that one person at a meeting, isn’t there … ?   He says, trying not to look guilty … I intend to enjoy the film, Olga: once I’ve got the sub-titles sorted.   Juggling the settings on Handbrake … (I know it was a long one, Olga: but, as I said to Debbi … it WAS about Charles Dickens …)

^        Oh … the first ghost was that of Scrooge’s dead partner, Jacob Marley.   I’m always amazed how many people still get that wrong!


  1. (1)Victoria (2)The Stasi (3)Hindu Kush (4)Buddist (5)Ray Galton.

  2. Q1) Margrethe II of Denmark
    Q2) The Stasi
    Q3) Hindu Kush
    Q4) Buddhism (Mahayan Buddhism).
    Q5) Ray Galton
    I survived, just about. Great idea about the birthday challenge. I've looked after patients with Alzheimer's during my career, but most of my relatives seem to die of cancer or heart diseases (and I know several people with Parkinson's, which is another pretty cruel illness). It is a devastating illness, early on for the person, and later, perhaps more so for the relatives, although there are the flashes of insight as well... We need to learn so much more about how the brain works...

  3. Yeah, I can't believe I forgot Jacob Marley. Serves me right for not looking that up.

    1. Victoria
    2. the Stasi
    3. the Hindukush
    4. Buddhism
    5. Ray Galton


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