
Wednesday 13 March 2019

El Ministerio del Tiempo/The Ministry of Time — Series 2: Episode 11 — Tiempo de lo oculto/Time of the Occult — A Review.

13th March, 2019.

It’s officially official.

Facebook … ?   The titan of social media … ?

Right at the moment?

Seems to be having issues: with many users on it, some Facebook apps, Messenger, and the Facebook owned Instagram, and WhatsApp.

That leaves me thinking a few things.

Given tonight’s Brexit vote?

And even the small amount of foreign interference with British political life, through the site?

That’s possibly a good thing.

At any rate … ?

Hanging around on Facebook wasn’t in MY plans for the evening.

Oh no … 

Watching another episode of El Ministerio del Tiempo/The Ministry of Time Series 2.


Episode 11 — Tiempo de lo oculto/Time of the Occult — opens with Salvador (Jaime Blanch) at the barbers: having his beard trimmed.

Only to be interrupted by Sebastián Lombardi (Roberto Drago), a disgraced former TV show host whose show was cancelled, after he threatened to reveal the Ministry’s existence.

Sebastián?   Is STILL not happy … and still threatening exposure … 

Salvador has one easily available option.

Make sure Sebastián gets the grand tour … of what is the most boring government department in Spain.

Which works … well …

Until Sebastián and his daughter, Sonia (Anna Castillo) manage to get take Salvador hostage, get to the doors … 

And end up in 1485, just in time to met Christopher Columbus (Joan Carreras): just as he’s travelling to met Isabella and Ferdinand*.

Amelia, Alonso and Julián (Aura Garrido, Nacho Fresneda and Rodolfo Sanchez) are needed … 

As a trip to the early Nineties tells them Columbus’ face is no longer on the Peseta … 


Now … good … ?

Oh, my good lord, yes!

For starters?   Tonight’s episode shows the programme’s take on Christopher Columbus: AND how history can be changed by well meaning idiots.

And, on top of all that … ?

Does so with the show usual mix of both humour, and tension … 

I’m tired, at the moment.

Tired and wanting to hit the sack.

On the other hand?

I’m not tired of El Ministerio del Tiempo.

Just so you know, as I close this post … ?

I’ve got Tiempo de lo oculto on again in the bad ground.

There’s only one other show I do that for …

*        Isabella and Ferdinand were as crucial to the history of Spain as Elizabeth 1st and James the 1st and 6th were to the UK’s history.   It’s only under them, their respective countries started taking their modern forms.

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