
Tuesday 12 March 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th March, 2019.

12th March, 2019.

Yep: it’s true.

I’ve just looked out of my front room window.

Frankly?   The weather’s looking revolting … !

It’s … 

Not exactly what you call nice … !


Weather aside?

I have to admit to feeling mildly thoughtful, right now.

It is, after all, the second anniversary of the death of Sir Terry Pratchett.

And … ?

Well, I can’t help but wonder what he’d make of the whole Brexit situation.

Especially since Going Postal and Making Money were inspired by misbehaving big business, and the banking system … 

And especially as today sees Parliament make — Ha! — a meaningful vote on the subject.

We’ll never know.

We can only quietly wonder.


Something I’m also aware of?

Is that Sir Terry was interested in computers: how they worked, interacted, and what they let us do.

He’d possibly have been interested in the news Sir Tim Berners-Lee has issued a statement about the state of the World Wide Web … and where he thinks it’s going badly.

And … ?

Well, he’s made several suggestions, including a Contract for the Web: a set of ideals that would guide the Web’s use.


I’ve no idea if that would ever be accepted.

But … ?

In signing it, I think we can tell people it’s a set of ideals worth aiming for.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Badwolf on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 12th March is is the annual World Day Against Cyber Censorship.   The day had originally been set up, after requests from Reporters Without Borders: and who else?
Q2) 12th March is also the feast dat of Saint Maximilian of Tebessa: generally considered to be an early … what?
Q3) 12th March, 1986, saw the birth of singer/songwriter, Danny Jones.   He first came to prominence as a member of which band … ?
Q4) 12th March, 1475, saw the birth of Italian astrologer, Luca Gaurico.   What was his star sign … ?
Q5) Finally … ?   A reactor at the Fukushima Daichii power plant exploded: on 12th March, 2011.   Explosion, and reactor, were in which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Emperor Elagabalus was assassinated: on 11th March, 222AD.   His body was dragged through Rome: and thrown in to which river? 
A1) The Tiber.
Q2) 11th March, 1993, saw Janet Reno confirmed in her post: by the US Senate.   She was sworn in, the next day.   As the first female US … what?
A2) Attorney General of the USA.
Q3) The Act of March 11 was passed on 11th March, 1990.   It declared which country to be independent of the USSR?
A3) Lithuania.
Q4) 11th March, 1811, saw the birth of astronomer and mathematician, Urbain Le Verrier.   His calculations helped find which planet?
A4) Neptune.
Q5) Finally … ?   11th March, 1931, saw the birth of Rupert Murdoch.   He’s the current c0-chairman — co-chairman, rather than executive chairman — of which US media company?
A5) Fox Corporation.   (He shares the job with his eldest son, Lachlan.)
Here’s a thought …
“If I give you romantic advice, don’t take it. Look what’s happening to me.”
Liza Minelli, born 12th March, 1946.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf‡!   Nice to see your feeling better: how’s the head … ?

†        Yeah: I took a bit of an executive decision, I’m afraid, Debbi‡: as he’s been known as Mario, and been a plumber, ever since.

‡        Oh, Badwolf, Debbi?  About today’s Teaser video?   How’s the colour scheme?   I’m thinking black and yellow’s good.


  1. (1) Amnesty International (2) conscientious objector, (3) McFly (4) Pisces (5)Japan

  2. No problem. You're right.

    1. Amnesty International
    2. conscientious objector
    3. McFly
    4. Pisces
    5. Japan


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