
Sunday 24 March 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-3-2019: Tamerlane

24th March, 2019.

You really do have to wonder about the human mind, sometimes.

I woke up this morning, yawning my head off, scratching my ankles, muttering about the pain in my lower back … 

And with the Associate’s Helicopter, Helicopter — or, at least, those two words — set to repeat themselves until I hit you with the tune.

If any neuroscientist out there have ANY idea what’s happening … ?

I’d love to know … !


Oh, remember the petition … ?

The Revoke Article 50 petition?

The Revoke Article 50 petition, that can’t, technically be debated by Parliament?

Until the closing date in August, and IF it reaches 100, 000 signatures?

That one … ?

It’s at 4.8 million signatures … 

OK, it’s possibly going to get ignored … 

But if it gets to OVER seventeen million signatures … ?

That would be lovely!


Just as a quick, final, point … ?

One for fans of The Prisoner?

Have a tune … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Badwolf scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Tamerlane sacked Damascus: on 24th March, 1401.   Tamerlane’s name actually is … what?
Q2) He was born in what’s now which modern day country?
Q3) Tamerlane saw himself as a successor to whom … ?
Q4) What title did Tamerlane use as rule of his empire: Sultan, Amir or Khan?
Q5) Finally … Tamerlane was a devout follower of which faith … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Benito Mussolini formed his Fascist Party: on 23rd March, 1919.   In which Italian city … ?
A1) Milan.
Q2) Direct elections were held for the first time: on 23rd Marc, 1996.   Those first elections were held … where?
A2) Taiwan.
Q3) A car bomb went off, at a UK Army Base: on 23rd March, 1987.   Base, and explosion, were in which (then) country?
A3) West Germany.   (It’s now Germany.)
Q4) 23rd March, 1430, saw the birth of Margaret of Anjou: wife of Henry 6th of England.   She was a major figure in which English war?
A4) The Wars of the Roses.   (She was a major figure in the Lancastrian faction.)
Q5) Finally … ?   23rd March, 1935, saw the birth of Barry Cryer.   The comedy writer has a small part in which Kenny Everett film … ?
Here’s some Marlowe …
“There is a God, full of revenging wrath,
From whom the thunder and the lightning breaks,
Whose scourge I am, and him will I obey.”
Tamerlaine the Great, Part II Act V Tamburlaine, scene i, lines 177–183, Christopher Marlowe.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf … 

†        Glad to be of help, Debbi!   (I don’t know what the song is, though …)


  1. 1) Tīmūr bin Taraghay Barlas(2) Shahrisabz, Uzbekistan (3)Amir Hussain (4) Amir(5) Islam

  2. If you check the notes of the video, you'll find the video and song creator's website. It's really cool!

    BTW, in Casino Royale (the book), I couldn't help but notice that Bond's place at the baccarat (sp?) table was No. 6! Coincidence?? :-D

    1. Timur
    2. Uzbekistan
    3. Genghis Khan
    4. Amir
    5. Islam


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