
Monday 1 April 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-4-2019: April Fool’s Day.

1st April, 2019.

Yes: it’s a Monday.

It’s another new week.

It’s feeling … chilly … at the moment.

AND I watched a film, last night: Bill Nighy in The Limehouse Golem.

Which … won’t win an Oscar.

But IS a very entertaining movie.


Oh, on another quick personal front?

I got told, a few days ago, that I was Vitamin D deficient.

And that there was a prescription waiting for me at the surgery.

I started to course — one pill, twice a week for the next seven weeks — yesterday.

It does seem to have helped.

But we’ll have to see.


Just as a final quicker point?

One thing I did manage in last night’s intro video — AND in today’s — was tinker with some of the audio: detaching the audio track, copying and pasting it back into the video, then adding effects to each copy.

If you can let me know what you think of the last two seconds, I’d appreciate it … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Badwolf scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st April, 1976, saw an edition of Nationwide claim Grimond public Library had been built … how?
Q2) 1st April, 2018, saw BBC Breakfast presenters fooled by an April fools joke in the Guardian.   An article about Brexit … what?
Q3) 1st April, 1978, saw businessman Dick Smith, con people into thinking he’d towed what into Sydney Harbour?
Q4) 1st April, 1991, Saw BBC Scotland report that the third series of what would be made near Loch Lomond?
Q5) Why Do Fools Fall in Love was a huge hit in 1956: for Frankie Lymon and the … who?
Q6) Which Apple co-founder is a noted practical joker?
Q7) 1st April, 2015, saw a series of bogus public service broadcasts being aired: by which broadcaster … ?
Q8) What did the Ancient Romans celebrate on April Fools Day: Lupercalia, Saturnalia or Veneralia?
Q9) 1st April, 1992, saw National Public Radio announce WHO was running for President?
Q10) Finally … 1st April, 2000, saw the Internet Engineering Task Force release Request for Comments: 2795.   The document proposed an internet suite with an infinite number of … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 31st March is World Backup Day.   It was first marked in which year … ?
A1) 2011.
Q2) 31st March saw Daylight Saving Time go into effect in the USA: for the first time.   In which year … ?
A2) 1918.
Q3) 31st March, 1921, saw the founding of the Royal Australia Air Force.   The RAAF’s HQ is in which city … ?
A3) Canberra.
Q4) The Greater London Council was abolished on 31st March, 1986.   What — from 2000 — is London’s current authority?
Q5) Finally … ?   Writer, Nikolai Gogol, was born on 31st March, 1809.   Which of his novels is about Andrey Petrovich Chartkov?
Here’s a thought …
“The first of April, some do say 
Is set apart for All Fools’ Day; 
But why the people call it so, 
Nor I, nor they themselves, do know.”
From Poor Robin’s Almanac, 1760.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf!

†        Actually, that’s a nicely written summary, there, Debbi: better than some of the ones I’ve seen! (Oh, sorry about the length, Debbi: it’s … well … it'll get worse when Spike Milligan turns up!)


  1. (1) the wrong way up (2) Brexit emojis. (3)iceberg (4) Twin Peaks(5) Teenagers(6)Steve iWozi Wozniak (7)bbc (8) Veneralia (9)President Richard Nixon (10) monkey theorem.


  2. Oh, Lord. I can just imagine! :) And thank you!

    1. upside down
    2. emojis
    3. an iceberg
    4. Twin Peaks
    5. The Teenagers
    6. Steve Wozniak
    7. Netflix (I know they're not a broadcaster, so that's wrong, huh?)
    8. Veneralia
    9. Richard Nixon
    10. monkeys at an infinite number of keyboards


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