
Saturday 13 April 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th April, 2019.

13th April, 2019.

Now read on … 

You know, that seems a very appropriate ending for an introductory video, doesn’t it?

And one I lifted … from … 

Well, I know I got it from the late Sir Terry Pratchett: picking up, as he did so often, and re-using old cliques, with hammer, tongs and spanner.

At ANY rate … !

At any rate: yesterday … was a busy morning.

Meeting my Job Centre advisor, selling my tablet — along side an old phone — having a phone interview.

Which is where the good news comes in.

The phone interview I had … ?

Has led to a face to face interview, next Thursday.

Looks like I’ll be up early!


Something else I’ve seen crop up … ?

Is that Disney/Lucasfilms have released a trailer.

For the latest instalment of the Star Wars saga.

Which now has a title: The Rise Of Skywalker.

Which sounds … interesting, let’s put it that way.

The interesting bit, for me?

Is the release date: 20th December.

And where the trailer says, “The Saga comes to an End.”

Quite what that means for a potential Episode 10?

I really couldn’t tell you!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi and Olga on five out of five, and Badwolf on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 13th February, 1976, saw the US Treasury Dept. Release the current version of the Two dollar bill.   Who’s face is on the two dollar bill?
Q2) The Roman Catholic Relief Act gained the Royal Assent: on 13th April, 1829.   It allowed Catholics in the UK to vote: and sit, where?
Q3) 13th April, 1870, saw the opening of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.   The Museum’s in which US city?
Q4) Alfred Mosher Butts was born on 13th April, 1899.   What game did he invent?
Q5) Finally … ?   13th April, 1906, saw the birth of Samuel Beckett.   Which of his 1953 plays is about Vladimir and Estragon?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 12th April saw the first operational launch of a Space Shuttle.   In which year?
A1) 1981.
Q2) Which shuttle was it?
A2) The Space Shuttle Columbia.
Q3) The mission was designated STS … what?
A3) 1.
Q4) Name either of the crew on that flight.
A4) Commander John W. Young or Pilot Robert L. Crippen.
Q5) Finally … ?   The Shuttle landed back on Earth, on which date: 15th April, 14th April or 13th April.
A5) 14th April.
Here’s a thought …
“All I say cancels out, I’ll have said nothing.”
From The Calmative by Samuel Beckett, 13 April 1906 – 22 December 1989.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Badwolf^!   (Oh, I’ve got The Macra Terror on the way …)

†        I’m keeping my fingers, crossed, Olga^: fingers, eyes, legs, arms … Ahem!   At any rate?   The face to face interview’s next week: it gives me a little time to polish my technique.   (I finally got some feedback from the last interview: it should help.)

‡        You didn’t recognised the tune, Debbi^??!!??   Shame on you!   It was a tune by the Eagles call Journey of the Sorcerer.   You’ll know these versions … I preferred the one about the fish …

^        Radio Four’s Today programme has reminded me today is the one hundredth anniversary of the Amritsar Massacre.   I’m sort of kicking myself for missing it: it was one of THE most notorious events of the Raj.


  1. (1) Thomas Jefferson (2Parliament. (3)New York (4)Scrabble (5)Waiting for Godot
    Hello seen The Macra Terror the other week, enjoyed the animation

  2. Q1) Thomas Jefferson (April, evidently, not February…)
    Q2) In Parliament
    Q3) New York City
    Q4) Scrabble
    Q5) Waiting for Godot
    Good luck! ♥

  3. Oh, the Eagles. Okay. Now, Creedence. There's a band! :)

    I do like the Eagles. With Joe Walsh.

    1. Thomas Jefferson
    2. Parliament (??)
    3. New York City
    4. Scrabble
    5. Waiting for Godot


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