
Saturday 18 May 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-5-2019: International Museum Day.

18th May, 2019.

I am officially … tired: after something of a late night.

Yep: I was up, last night, watching a movie: the Nicolas Cage vehicle that was Mandy.

That’s … definitely a film worth watching.

Although, to be honest?

I gave it two stars for a reason.

The filters used to show you the characters were having a bad LSD ex[erience Were a little overwhelming,  as far as I was concerned.


All that … ?

All that, and I’m due to see a show, tonight … 

My kid sister, Ruth?

Is in an amateur version of Our House.

Quite what that’s going to be like, I don’t know!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring ten out of ten, Debbi on nine, and Badwolf on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 18th May is the International Day of Museums: according to the International Council of … what?
Q2) What’s the plural of museum?
Q3) A museum has a lot of Es.   What Es?
Q4) Some one in charge of those Es?   Is a C.   What C?
Q5) Exhibition Road, in London, is home to three museums.   Name one.
Q6) The Capiltoline Museums claim to be the world’s oldest.   At least, the world’s art museum.   It’s in which city?
Q7) Opened in 1660, what’s said to be Britain’s oldest museum?
Q8) Which Florentine museum was damaged ion a 1993 car bomb attack by the Mafia?
Q9) Which very French museum opened to the public in 1793: after a long career as a palace?
Q10) The museum considered the first modern museum is in Oxford.   What’s it called?
Q11) はくぶつかん — hakubutsukan, or House of Extensive Things — is a traditional word for a museum: in which language?
Q12) Finally … ?   The original Starship Enterprise — the model, from the 1960s TV series, Star Trek — is now held by which US museum?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The famous Dambusters raid took place over the night of 16th and early morning of 17th of May: of which year of the war?
A1) 1943.
Q2) During which war?
Q3) The Dambusters’ raid was launched by the UK’s airforce.   Who were they?
A3) The Royal Air Force, or RAF.
Q4) The squadron nicknamed ‘the Dambusters’ … were more correctly called what?
Q5) The squad launched from a base in which English county: Lancashire, Leicestershire or Lincolnshire?
A5) Lincolnshire.   RAF Scampton, to be precise

Q6) The Raid was formally known as Operation … what?
Q7) The Raid — obviously — bombed dams.   In and along what: the Rhineland, the Ruhr Valley region or Upper Franconia?
A7) The Ruhr Valley.
Q8) Famously?   The bombs used on the raids did what?
A8) Bounce.
Q9) Who designed those bombs?
A9) Sir Barnes Wallis.
Q10) Finally … ?   What was the name of the 1955 film about the Dambusters Raid?
Here’s a thought …
“A museum is a place where nothing was lost, just rediscovered … ”
Nanette L. Avery.
A cartoon … 

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Anne: have you ever seen Mandy?   It’s watchable odd … (Morning!)

†        I think vintage is the word, Olga!   As for yesterday’s Operation Chastise question?   That’s me not paying attention …!   (Have you heard the Spanish entry for this year’s Eurovision?   It sounds a LOT better than the UK’s.   Mind you, Iceland’s better than the UK’s … !)

‡        It’s been ages, since I’ve seen it, too, Debbi.   Got the episodes as DVD rips …    (Sorry about the 12 questions, Debbi, but given the subject …)


  1. Q1) Museums
    Q2) What’s the plural of museum? Museums (or musea if we are to follow the Latin rule for plurals, but not used often).
    Q3) Exhibits (and exhibitions)
    Q4) Curator
    Q5) Victoria and Albert Museum
    Q6) Rome
    Q7) The Royal Armouries in the Tower of London
    Q8) The Uffizi Gallery (it’s wonderful, for sure)
    Q9) The Louvre
    Q10) The Ashmolean Museum
    Q11) Japanese
    Q12) The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (I visited that museum a few years back. I must have seen the display but I can’t remember. It’s pretty huge).
    Yes, they're talking about the singer (he is Catalan) a fair bit on the telly. He seems like a nice guy. He was saying yesterday that they are forbidden by contract to say anything about how they might personally feel about Palestine or say anything that might offend the country hosting the festival, for evident reasons. I haven't heard the UK song (I've only heard the Italian song because my friend Iman liked it and it's sung by an Egyptian guy...)
    I hope you enjoy the play this evening.

  2. Er ... really, Paul? Really? :)

    But here I am!! LOL!

    1. Museums
    2. museums or, rarely, musea
    3. exhibits
    4. curator
    5. the Science Museum
    6. Rome
    7. Ashmolean Museum
    8. Uffizi
    9. The Louvre
    10. Oxford University Museum of Natural History
    11. Japanese
    12. The National Air and Space Museum (part of the Smithsonian, of course)

    So ... done and dusted. :)


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