
Thursday 27 June 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th June, 2019

27th June, 2019.

Glug … 

Glug glug … 

Glugity glug, glug glug … 

Oh, and before I forget … ?

Bloop … bloop … bloop … bloop … bloop … 

Yes: it’s true … 

My kitchen sink decided to misbehave, last night.

It’s … well, it’s the second time it’s happened: and, last time … ?

The plumber told me it wasn’t an issue with the sink: but more than probably with the drains, and that he would put in for a drain cleaning.

Whether that’s happened?

I don’t know.

All I can tell you is that, last night, my sink was giving the Radiophonic Workshop a run for the money … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) In many German speaking countries, 25th June is Seven Sleepers Day.   It celebrates the Seven Sleepers of where?
Q2) 27th June is the feast day of Saint Zoilus: who’s said to have been martyred in which Spanish city?
Q3) 27th June, 1991, saw Yugoslavian troops occupy where?
Q4) 27th June, 2007, saw who resign as British PM?
Q5) Finally … ?   A sever cyber attack took place on 27th June, 2017.   The attack mostly used a malware called Petya: with some eighty per cent of the attacks aimed organisations in which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) William 4th acceded the throne of the UK: on the 26th June, 1830.   He was the last king from which dynasty?
A1) The House of Hanover.
Q2) William 4th was born in what was Buckingham House.   What’s Buckingham House now called?
A2) Buckingham Palace.
Q3) From 1791 to 1811, William 4th wasn’t married.   To whom?
A3) ‘Mrs’ Dorothea Jordan: also known as Dorothea Bland.
Q4) In which year did he die?
A4) 1837.
Q5) Finally … He was succeeded by the last monarch from his dynasty.   Who was that?
A5) Queen Victoria.
Here’s a thought …
“I’ve always liked working on stories that combine people who are relatable with something insane.”
J. J. Abrams, born June 27, 1966.
And a song or three, written by Doc Pomus …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You could be right, there, Anne.   You watch, we’ll end up parading up the High Street dressed as Sansa Stark.   Mind you, I don’t think I’ve got the legs … 

†        Sounds like Debbi’s treatment’s taking a while, Olga.   Isn’t it always the way?   (Which reminds me, I need to chase up a couple of things: I still haven’t checked back about those sleep tests.)

‡        Definitely Queen Victoria, Debbi: I should have written that question a bit better … !   That … and I’d never heard of him until you mentioned him … !   (Oh, Olga was asking after you … )


  1. (1) Ephesus (2) Córdoba, (3) Slovenia(4) Tony Blair (5) Ukrainian

  2. Q1) Ephesus
    Q2) Córdoba
    Q3) Slovenia
    Q4) Tony Blair
    Q5) Ukraine
    Yes, don't forget to check on your tests, and send my best to Debbi. I hope the sink is sorted soon...

  3. Well, I'm hanging in there. Per usual. :)

    My regards to Olga! Thanks, Olga! :)

    1. Ephesus
    2. Córdoba
    3. Slovenia
    4. Tony Blair
    5. Ukraine


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