
Friday 12 July 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th July, 2019.

12th July, 2019.

I have to admit, those tests, yesterday?

Well, I’ll find out the results — or be phoned about them — in about a week or so’s time.

Frankly?   The possible options are terrifying.

We’ll have to cross that bridge, when we get to it.

Outside of those test results?

Life goes on.

Including the job hunting.

Which — over the past couple of days — has included a phone interview for a company, AND a brief online test: for a company that handles card payments.

And today?

Includes an interview with a local bookmakers.

Really local: the things a bus ride away.

If that.



Although I’m feeling more nervous about other things.

That might possibly work for me.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Anne on five out of five: with both Debbi and Olga on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Army version of the Medal of Honor was established: on 12th July, 1862.   By which country?
Q2) The Ostrog Bible was first published: on 12th July, 1580.   It was the first bible published in which alphabet: Latin, Cyrillic or Khmer?
Q3) 12th July, 1986, saw riots in which Northern Irish town … ?
Q4) São Tomé and Príncipe became independent: on 12th July, 1975.   From where … ?
Q5) Finally … ?   12th July, 1997, saw the birth of activist, Malala Yousafzai.   The Taliban tried killing her, in which year?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 11th July is World Population Day.   It was introduced by which UN programme?
Q2) According to the Wikipedia entry about the day, the population increases by 100 million, every how often: fourteen months, fifteen months or sixteen months?
A2) 14 months.
Q3) What’s the world’s most populated country: China, India or the USA?
A3) China.
Q4) What — as of 1st July, 2018 — is the world’s most densely populated country: Monaco, Singapore, or Vatican City?
A4) Singapore.
Q5) Finally … ?   When — According to Wikipedia — did the world’s human population reach six billion?
A5) 1999.   (Unfortunately?   The article doesn’t define which billion it’s using.)
Here’s a thought …
“The thing is that the people of Pakistan have supported me. They don't think of me as Western. I am a daughter of Pakistan and I am proud that I am a Pakistani.”
Malala Yousafzai, 12th July, 1997.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah, games CAN be fun, occasionally, Anne!   That trailer’s from the original Sonic the Hedgehog, from back in the Nineties.   I swear I’ll get past that boss level!

†        Have fun up there, Olga: I hope the stay goes well.   At ANY rate?   I’m hoping the results are benign.   But, given I smoked for twenty-seven years?   Well, as I said to Debbi on Twitter, I’m scared.

‡        Glad to help, Debbi!   Hmmm … Have yo managed to catch Years and Years, or Good Omens? They’re a little big to send, unfortunately, but worth watching.   (There’s the odd Dr Who reference in Good Omens.   David Tennant finally gets to be ginger …)


  1. 1) United States Congress.(2) Slavic (3) 1580 Portadown(4) Portugal.(5)2012
    I hope your test results are fine, bless cross fingers x

  2. Q1) The United States
    Q2) Cyrillic
    Q3) Portadown
    Q4) Portugal
    Q5) 2012
    I saw your Tweet. I hope there is nothing to worry about. (Smoking is a big risk factor for many things, as you know, but it does reduce the longer you have been tobacco free. Sending you best wishes). And, good luck with the job hunt!

  3. Unfortunately, Good Omens is on Amazon Prime, which I don't get.

    I'm hoping to eventually catch it on DVD. Or hopefully it'll come out on another channel sometime. Someplace where I don't have to pay extra. :)

    I'd see it for Ian McShane alone. :)

    Haven't seen the other show.

    1. the United States
    2. Cyrillic
    3. Belfast
    4. Portugal
    5. 2012


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