
Monday 29 July 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-7-2019: Pakal

29th July, 2019.

Right … I’m officially off out, today: to have lunch with my sister.

Or, at least, visit the library.

Complete with my nephew in two: who’s possibly going to need … a library ticket.

Which could be fun … !

If he’s got no ID … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 29th July, AD 615, saw Pakal ascend the throne of Palenque.   Palenque was a city state of which civilisation: the Toltec, Maya or Aztec?
Q2) Palenque is in what’s now which Central American country?
Q3) Pakal’s full name was Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal.   In part, his name means Sun … what?
Q4) Pakal was the Ajaw of Palenque.   Ajaw is loosely translated as which ‘L’: Lord, Lad or Lady?
Q5) Finally … ?   Palenque has a set of temples: on top of what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Paddy Ashdown, MP, took over what’s now the Liberal Democrats: on 28th July, 1988.   At the time, he was MP for where?
A1) Yeovil.
Q2) The Volkswagen Act was enacted on 28th July, 1960.   The act — and the car company it privatised — were made in what’s now which country?
A2) Germany.
Q3) An 8.3 magnitude earthquake struck the city of Tangshan: on 28th July, 1976.   City, and quake, were in which country?
A3) China.
Q4) 28th July, 1635, saw the birth of Robert Hooke: scientist, architect, and all round polymath.   He helped rebuild London: after which event?
A4) The Great Fire of London.
Q5) Finally … ?   28th July is World Hepatitis Day.   Hepatitis is a group of diseases that affect the … what?
A5) Liver.
Here’s a quote from Encyclopædia Britannica …
“Its original name is speculative; the site now shares the name the Spanish gave to a neighbouring village. The city’s ruins were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987.”
And some traditional music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Anne: how WAS the weekend … ?

†        Thankfully, Debbi?   He’s kept away from it: in much the same way he kept away from most media, during the leadership contest.   (That — and the fact he banned drinking on the tube, whilst London Mayor — is about the only thing I will give him.   I used to work at the Dominion, many moons ago: going home late at night, the drunks could be mildly intimidating.)


  1. )Maya (2) Mexico(3)Shield (4) 'Lord'(5) step pyramids
    The weekend went ok, watched the Omen Trilogy lol

  2. Sounds like you've got the better deal on leaders. Possibly. :)

    1. the Maya
    2. Mexico
    3. Shield
    4. Lord
    5. pyramids


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