
Monday 8 July 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-7-2019: The Wall Street Shuffle.

8th July, 2019.

Hmmm … 

It has to be said, my family had a meal, yesterday: making the passing of my aunty Bella.

At what was her favourite restaurant.

Hmmmmmmmmmm … 

I think we can say that could have gone better.

The joint’s fryers went: at just after we ordered our starters.

The fuse had tripped … 

Which, over all?

Meant our actual meal was delayed by about an hour and a half.

Understandably?   And considering the circumstances?

However good the food, and given the occasion?

We weren’t happy.

Although I think Bella would’ve been grinning …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The first edition of the Wall Street Journal was published: on 8th July of which year?
Q2) It — like the street it’s named for — is based in which US city?
Q3) As of June, 2018, the Journal a circulation of roughly how many readers: 2.4 million, 3.4 million or 4.4 million?
Q4) The Journal’s mast plate is unique: as it has a what?
Q5) Finally … the Wall Street Journal is published by Dow Jones and Company.   Who owns Dow Jones and Company?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Peel Report made its recommendations:  on 7th July, 1937.   It recommended the partition of where?
A1) Palestine.
Q2) The Solomon Islands became independent of the UK: on 7th July, 1978.   The Islands are in which Ocean … ?
A2) The Pacific: or South Pacific, if you want to be picky.
Q3) 7th July, 1949, saw the birth of actress, Shelley Duvall.   In which film did she play Pansy?
Q4) 7th July, 2001, saw race riots in which English city?
A4) Bradford.
Q5) Finally … ?   7th July saw the birth of broadcaster, Jeremy Kyle.   The Jeremy Kyle Show finished this year, after a guest committed suicide.   In which year did the show start?
A5) 2005.
Here’s a thought …
“On our editorial page we make no pretence of walking down the middle of the road. Our comments and interpretations are made from a definite point of view.”
Former WSJ editor, William H. Grimes.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s an interesting idea, Olga.   I think I’d’ve been happier with a formal funeral, given how the restaurant turned out!   It … well, the one upside to these things is seeing family you’ve not seen for a while … 

†        I loved Time Bandits, Anne: although I’ve not seen it for a while.   Apparently?   Terry Gilliam never made a sequel, because of Rappaport’s death.   Poor sod, depression got the better of him … 

‡        That he was, Debbi: although I have to admit, I liked Peter Capaldi: they Hinchcliffed the heck out of his years.   Oh, seen Good Omens, yet?   I THINK you’ll like it.


  1. Q1) 1889
    Q2) New York
    Q3) 2.4 million
    Q4) A period at the end
    Q5) News Corp

  2. )1889 (2)New York City (3)2.4 million (4)period at the end. (5)Rupert Murdoch

  3. I probably should see it. I've been watching and enjoying "The Umbrella Academy", which is a bit out of the ordinary for me. In a good way!

    And I loved Time Bandits!

    1. 1889
    2. New York
    3. 2.4 million
    4. period at the end
    5. News Corp.


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