
Saturday 24 August 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th August, 2019

24th August, 2019.

You know, every-so-often?

I’ll quietly ask a friend or two to have a look at the intro videos: just to get an opinion or two.

Which is what I did with yesterday’s intro video.

It is — apparently — spooky.

Ho-hum … !


Hmmm … 

Are you a smoker?   Or a recovering smoker. like me?

Or, at least, someone who uses e-cigarettes?   Who vapes, in other words?

The things are believed to be safer than smoking traditional cigarettes: as we’d not be taking in the tar products associated with tobacco.

Something I know I’ve believed.   But with the proviso that I didn’t know the health effects of vaping … yet*.

Well, something that’s caught my eye … ?

Was this piece on the BBC’s news site.

The first death blamed on vaping has been recorded in the US state of Illinois.

Quite what I make of that?   I don’t know, yet.

I’ll be keeping an eye on it, though … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi five out of five, and Anne on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Who got married to Isabella, in Bordeaux Cathedral: on 24th August, 1200?
Q2) Which country was hit by an earthquake: on 24th August, 2016?
Q3) The Treaty of Córdoba was signed on 24th August, 1821.   Which country’s independence did it guarantee?
Q4) 24th August, 1981, saw Mark Chapman sentenced to twenty years imprisonment.   For killing whom?
Q5) Finally … ?   24th August, 1932, saw the birth of Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor.   At the time of his death he was the Catholic Archbishop of where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 23rd August, 2011, saw Colonel Gaddafi overthrown: as leader of which country?
A1) Libya.
Q2) 23rd August, 30BC, saw Augustus Caesar — then called Octavius — execute Caesarion.   Caesarion was the last independent king of where?
A2) Egypt.      ()Caesarion was also the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.   (Egypt of the period was technically known as the Ptolemaic Kingdom.)
Q3) 23rd August saw the birth of drummer Keith Moon.   In which year?
A3) 1946.
Q4) 23rd August, 1572, saw the start of the Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre.   In which country?
A4) France.
Q5) Finally … ?   The bodies of the last two members of Tsar Nicholas 2nd’s family were found: on 23rd August 2007.   They were members of which country’s royal family?
Here’s a thought …
“They don’t always use dwarfs, unfortunately. They shouldn’t be allowed to do that! How dare they do Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and not have dwarfs!”
Kenny Baker, 24 August 1934 – 13 August 2016.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        When I gave up?   I used a combination of nicotine patches, and the gum.   Using e-cigarettes seemed to be a cop-out: as I’d still be holding something in my hand, repeatedly putting it in my mouth … then putting it in an ashtray, however metaphorical the ashtray was.   I’d not be giving up, in other words.

†        Morning, Anne: hope the weekend goes well!

‡        I know what you mean, Debbi!   (Hark at us … !   We’re turning into a par of ol’ video editing queens!   “Ooooo, will you look at the state of her lower thirds … !”)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my! Dear me! :) What can I say? :-D

    1. King John
    2. Two countries: Myanmar and Italy
    3. Mexico
    4. John Lennon
    5. Westminster


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