
Monday 5 August 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-8-2019: Directed By … 

5th August, 2019

I have to say, I’m feeling slightly rushed, this morning.

Believe it or not … ?

I have a phone interview interview for a post with a housing association looking for phone staff.

At ten.


I’m hoping two things.
  • It leads to a face to face interview.
  • They don’t kick off about adoption papers.
Here’s hoping … !


Oh, while I’m at it, quickly … ?

I’ve had this, ear worming through my head, this morning.

Remind me to bang on about how Nena looks like Molly Millions!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 5th August, 1906, saw the birth of John Huston.   The first film he directed was a version of which Dashiell Hammett novel?
Q2) More to the point, who did Huston persuade to play Sam Spade, the film’s main character?
Q3) Huston’s The Asphalt Jungle saw who appear in the minor role of Angela Phinlay?
Q4) That actress also appeared in Huston’s The Misfits.   Who played Gay Langland, in The Misfits?
Q5) Huston moved to Ireland: as a result his disgust at the House Committee on Un-American Activities.   In which year of the 1950s?
Q6) Whilst in Ireland?   Huston worked on which James Bond film?
Q7) Huston directed the 1975 film, The Man Who Would be King.   The film starred Michael Caine opposite which former Bond?
Q8) Huston acted as well as directed.   Who did he voice in the animated, 1977, version of The Hobbit?
Q9) Who co-wrote the Huston version of Moby Dick?
Q10) Finally … ?   Huston’s last film, The Dead, was based on a novel by who?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) NASA launched its Phoenix spacecraft: on 4th August, 2007.   It landed on Mars, in which year?
A1) 2008.
Q2) 4th August, 1984, saw Burkina Faso’s name changed: to Burkina Faso.   From what?
Q3) 4th August, 1704, saw an Anglo-Dutch fleet capture where?
A3) Gibraltar.
Q4) 4th August, 1821, Saw the first publication of the Saturday Evening Post.   Which painter painted over three hundred covers for the Post: Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein or Norman Rockwell?
Q5) Finally … ?   Which English poet was born on 4th August, 1792?
Here’s a thought …
“I prefer to think that God is not dead, just drunk†.”
John Huston, August 5, 1906 – August 28, 1987.
And a trailer …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*      Morning Anne: how was the weekend?   (I think we’ve lost Debbi!)

†        Which could worry a member of Alcoholics Anonymous …


  1. 1)The Maltese Falcon (2) Humphrey Bogart (3)Marilyn Monroe (4)Clark Gable (5)1952(6)Casino Royale (7)Sean Connery (8)Gandalf The Grey (9)Gandalf The Grey (10) James Joyce
    Hello, Weekend went great thanks, so hot again, I'm terrible in the heat, hope your getting sorted regards your birth certificate

  2. Sorry I didn't do the teaser yesterday. I didn't even turn on my computer, which was kind of weird, but kind of nice. :)

    I was able to answer many of these without even searching online! Wow! :)

    1. The Maltese Falcon
    2. Humphrey Bogart
    3. Marilyn Monroe
    4. Clark Gable
    5. 1951
    6. Casino Royale (the funny one!)
    7. Sean Connery
    8. Gandalf
    9. Ray Bradbury
    10. James Joyce

  3. Mr Strict
    1> The Maltese Falcon.
    2> Humphrey Bogart.
    3> Marilyn Monroe.
    4> Clark Gable.
    5> 1952
    6> Casino Royale.
    7> Sean Connery.
    8> Gandalf.
    9> Ray Bradbury.
    10> James Joyce.


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