
Saturday 9 November 2019

Edge of Darkness — Episode 5: Northmoor — A Review

9th November, 2019

Right … 

I have to admit, I’m … mildly strange.

Winter never exactly leaves me feeling good: even if we can argues that it’s late autumn, and not that bad … yet … !

At any rate … ?

I’ve seen something of a co-incidence, today … 

In this morning’s Teaser*?   I mentioned how I felt Jeremy Corbyn was being picked on for his support of the IRA … when many Tory governments were just as bad.

Then I went to Brentwood High Street, to do some shopping.

And found that, just out side the Brentwood branch of Marks and Spencers … ?

Was a bunch of Labour activists.



Meaningful co-incidence?

I very much doubt it.

Co-incidence or otherwise, it’s a Saturday night in: and I’ve been meaning to catch up with a certain  TV show.

You’re right … 

I’ve caught episode five of Edge of Darkness.


Episode 5 — Northmoor — opens with Craven Jedburgh and Godbolt (Bob Peck, Joe Don Baker and Jack Watson, respectively) breaking into the Northmoor waste facility.

Godbolt’s there as a guide: the Northmoor facility is in an converted coal mine he worked at.

Craven?   Is there to find evidence of plutonium, AND the bodies of the missing GAIA raiders.

Jedburgh?   Is after plutonium … lots of plutonium.   If there’s evidence that can embarrass his rivals, all the better.

Down in London … ?   Harcourt (Ian McNiece) is giving The Commons enquiry as much evidence as he can, whilst IIF chief executive, Bennett (Hugh Fraser) is forced into confessing there was illegally processed plutonium in Northmoor.

And, in the shadowy depth of the former mine?

Connors (Brian Croucher†) is planning to swamp the Hot Cell — the area that Craven and Jedburgh are in — with radioactive waste water.


It worked last time …


Now … am I burbling in the video review?

I don’t know!

I do know I’ve managed to repeat a few words.

Taut gets in there a few times!

So does another word: claustrophobic.

Frankly?   Both are entirely appropriate.

The opening half hour or so of Northmoor, following the team through what is, after all, an abandoned coal mine?

Is seriously claustrophobic.

I don’t know about you, but I felt distinctly queasy, imagining my self in the same position.

I’m not built for spelunking … physically or mentally.

Which begs the question: how many other viewers felt the same, especially given we’re shown Connors and company setting up the flood that will drown the pair?

Quite a few I suspect.

I also suspect something else … 

That claustrophobia … ?

Is what kept me glued to the end of the episode.

An ending that had one last surprise to it.


I am seriously looking forward to episode six … !

*        I’ve been running the Daily Teasers for some time: they’re a daily brain teaser quiz.   Feel free to take part.   I’ll include today’s Video version … 

†        OK, John Woodvine, Ian McNiece and Zoë Wanamaker have all cropped up in Dr Who.   Mat Irvine did the special effects for the classic version of the show.   Brian Croucher?   Is the first Blake’s Seven actor to appear in Edge of Darkness.   The fact he crops up in the Tom Baker Dr Who story, Robots of Death … ?   Is almost incidental …

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