
Monday 11 November 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 6 — 406 Not Acceptable — A review

11th November, 2019.

Yep: it’s been a quiet day, today.

Quiet … 

Bar the inevitable job hunting, and stuff … 

On that front?

I have to admit, I am not getting my hopes up.

I seem to be NOT getting vacancies that appeal, or can do: or get to, if I can do them.

I’m due another meeting at the Job centre in about a week and a half’s time: to review what’s called my commitments.

The things I have to do to keep claiming, in other words.

I suspect that’s going to be a long chat … 

At ANY rate … ?

It’s a Monday night in: and I fancied a TV show … 

Yes: you’re right … I fancied another episode from Mr Robot’s fourth season … 

Episode 6 — 406 Not Acceptable — shows us that Krista (Gloria Reuben) has been kidnapped by Fernando Vera (Elliot Villar).

Elliot’s (Rami Malek) former dealer is out of prison: and, obsessed with the hacker as he is?   Vera is convinced kidnapping Krista will give him all sorts of information.

Elliot, himself … ?

Decides to visit Olivia (Dominik Garcia): complete a Christmassy coffee.   What he hasn’t told her?   Is that he’s spiked her coffee … in order to blackmail her in to giving him access to the Deus Group accounts she has control of.

In amongst all of this?   Darlene (Carly Chaikin) is having a bad time.   Her ex lover, Agent DiPierro (Grace Gummer) is being blackmailed by the Dark Army … 

The pair only have a few minutes … because an Army thug turns up and does something fatal … 


Now, I have to admit … 406 Not Acceptable is an ok episode … 


It inches the plot forward a little more, showing us the parallel kidnappings of Krista and Darlene … 

But … ?

I have to admit, I loved last week’s episode, 405 Method Not Allowed.   I think that if ever you want to see an exciting episode of Mr Robot?   405 Method Not Allowed is the episode.

406 Not Acceptable does have its upsides.

It very subtly tells us show runner, Sam Esmail, is a Robocop fan.   Any one who clocks the OCI logo would realise that!

And has a mesmerising performance from Elliot Villar as Vera: one I found reminiscent of Malcolm McDowell’s Alex, in A Clockwork Orange.

That’s possibly the slanguage both use.

Either way?   Villar was distinctly menacing … !

But … ?

Much as I enjoyed his performance, along the rest 406 Not Acceptable?

I think 405 Method Not Allowed* was the better episode.

*        Season four’s episode titles are HTTP error codes: ones that show up if you browser is causing a problem.   I’ve not personally had a 418 error code: I’m A Teapot … 

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