
Monday 25 November 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 8 — 408 Request Timeout — A review

25th November, 2019.

You know … I’m amazed … mildly.

I had an interview, last week.

And … ?

I had the phone call, this morning, to tell me I’d not got the job.

Which amazed me: it doesn’t often happen.

I’m grateful for it, thought: they were able to outline my strengths, as well as the weaknesses that didn’t get me the job.

It’s something I can work on.


The interview I went for, today, in Billericay?

Told me I would be contacted this afternoon.

And hasn’t bothered.

I’m assuming it’s a non-starter.

At any rate … ?

At any rate, I’m home … 

And … ?   Just seen another episode of Mr Robot’s Series 4.


Episode 8 — 408 Request Timeout — sees Elliot (Rami Malek) and Krista (Gloria Reuben) fleeing Krista’s apartment after Krista killed Vera (Elliot Villar).

And agreeing that Elliot should flee as Krista hands herself in to the police.


Elliot has a tough time: trying reconcile himself to his newly found memories: it’s only when a younger version of himself helps, that Elliot finds a certain amount of inner peace.


Darlene (Carly Chaikin) and Agent DiPierro (Grace Gummer) are still being held by Janice (Ashlie Atkinson): a senior Dark Army enforcer.


Is determined to catch Elliot, as he represents a major threat to their plans.   And, to that end, manages to fatally stab Agent DiPierro … in a way that will keep her alive for long enough to blackmail information out of Darlene.

Which … ?

Almost works: but for the intervention of a friend of Agent DiPierro … 


Now, I have to say, this in another great little episode.

But, unlike 407 Proxy Authentication Required — which goes for the big speeches — or the heist stylings of 405 Method Not Allowed, 408 Request Timeout is an episode trying to cover the emotional fallout of Elliot and Agent DiPierro’s actions … 

And makes sure you’re hit with them.

After all, it’s the first time I can remember Mr Robot making an apology for someone else’s actions … and seen Elliot in tears: fears of rage or sadness, as he feels he can’t take action.

Will he?   Won’t he?

We’ll have to see … !

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