
Tuesday 10 December 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 10 — 410 Gone — A review

10th December, 2019

Yes: it’s officially official.

I’ve actually watched a TV show, tonight.

But … 

I’m thankful for emails.

I’ve been on a course, today.

Part of the work?

Part of the work was to draw up a poster: stating our theoretical company’s diversity.

The version I did?

Was bloody awful: at least that’s what I felt.

So I did another, when I got home: that I felt was better.

OK, still not perfect … 

But better, I felt.


At any rate … ?

About TV … ?

Yes: I’ve been watching TV shows, again.

And if you hadn’t guessed?

Yes: I’ve seen another episode in Mr Robot’s fourth series.


Episode 10 — 410 Gone follow’s fsociety’s hack attack on the Deus Group?

Zhang’s identity as Whiterose (BD Wong) has become public knowledge: and their cash assets have been stolen.

Agent DiPierro (Grace Gummer) decides to leave the hospital she’s held at: after being told she must stay in hospital, is under inmvestigation by the Office of Professional Responsibility.

Once she is out, though?   Darlene (Carly Chakin) convinces Agent DiPierro to run away with her, so they can hide from the Dark Army.

Darlene’s brother, Elliot?   Elliot leaves them: he’s on the way to Washington Township, where he, Angela (Portia Doubleday) and Darlene grew up.

Whilst they’re being transported to Logan Airport?

They stop at a service station … where Darlene decides to re-distribute seem of the cash stolen in the heist: telling a scandalised DiPierro that it’s what she calls justice.

At the airport?   At the airport, Agent DiPierro meets her former Dark Army contact, Irving (Bobby Cannavale): who tells her she is no longer being followed by the Dark Army.

They have, it seems, moved on to other things.

The pair ready themselves for a flight to Budapest

A flight Agent DiPierro cannot bear to take: she feels she must stay and protect her family, and suffer the investigation.

Darlene has a panic attack about being alone, and flees to a bathroom: not knowing that Agent DiPierro has turned back, and boarded the plane by herself.

Darlene … ?   Darlene steadies herself as she is now alone … whilst Agent DiPierro?

Gets much needed sleep.


Now … 

I have to admit, I don’t know if 410 Gone took season 4’s plot forward, at all.

I honestly couldn’t.

But for all that?

It’s well acted, has a familiar face or two … 

And had me yelling “Get on the bloody plane, Darlene,” at my TV screen.

There’s not many episodes that do that … 

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