
Saturday 7 December 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th December, 2019

7th December, 2019.

Right … 

It’s no a weekend: which means I can do stuff I’ve been wanting to catch up with for a few days.


Mostly shopping, picking up medications, making videos … 

That sort of stuff!

I do know I’m looking forward to Monday, and going back on my course.

If for no other reason than the fact that our tutor’s decided to buy mice: we’re all complaining about the track pads on the laptops we’re using … 


I’ll be frank?

I’m a Dr Who fan: and have been since boyhood.

So I was rather pleased, when the BBC unveiled a quick glimpse of Series twelve’s first episode: the Stephen Fry starring, Spyfall.

I don’t know about you, but I’m intrigued.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Nina† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 7th December is the feast day of Saint Ambrose.   The saint was a bishop of what was called Mediolanum: and is now which Italian city?
Q2) 7th December, 1932, saw the birth of actress, Ellen Burstyn.   In which film does she play Sara Goldfarb?
Q3) American Football teams from the US Army and US Navy played one of their annual game: on 7th December, 1963.   It saw the first use of what: Video Assistant Referee, Instant Replay or linesmen?
Q4) 7th December, 1917, saw the USA declare war on which empire?
Q5) 7th December, 1949, saw the birth of James Rivière.   Rivière is a noted Italian what: jeweller, actor or organist?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 6th December is Independence Day in Finland: marking its independence from where?
A1) Russia.
Q2) In which year?
A2) 1917.
Q3) What’s Finland’s capital city?
A3) Helsinki.
Q4) By area, Finland is the eighth largest country in Europe.   What’s the seventh largest?
A4) Germany.
Q5) Finland has one autonomous area: an island group called what?
A5) The Åland Islands.
Q6) Finland had has two official languages.   Name either.
Q7) How many forms of Sámi are spoken in Finland … ?
A7) Three: Northern, Inari and Skolt.
Q8) The Finnish national epic, Finland’s equivalent to the stories of King Arthur, or the Iliad or Odyssey, is called what?
A8) The Kalevala.   (I’m reading it at the moment: it’s fascinating stuff!)
Q9) When was the list time Finland won the Eurovision Song Contest?
A9) 2006.   With Hard Rock Hallelujah, by Lordi.   It’s possibly the only time the contest was one by a bunch of orcs.   I also think they saw Buck Fizz: and thought “We can do better than that!”
Q10) Finally … ?   Linus Torvalds is a noted Finnish what: software engineer, classical composer or TV producer?
A10) Software engineer.   (From what I understand?   The Linux kernel forms the basis of a lot of server operating systems, and embedded devices: like routers, tills, phone exchanges and smart TVs.   This is on top of providing the core of Linux distros like Ubuntu, Red Hat and — famously — Android.   If you’re using an Android phone or tablet, you’re using a Linux OS.)
Here’s a thought …
“I started with an idea that I had in mind and then I looked for the right technique to make it happen.”
James Rivière, born 7th December, 1949.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        We’ve got a dry spell today, Olga.   I’m grateful: my shoes are slightly leaky!   Oh, have you got a public email you don’t mind me having?   I’ve got a text based explanation I just wanted someone to look at: just so I know it’s coherent!!

†        Morning, Nina!   Nice to see you onboard.   Mind me messenger something over to you?   I just wanted it checked for coherency!   (Oh, I went with the Wikipedia list, I afraid: hence the position.   Oh, and the answer about Linus could be helpful …)

‡        Isn’t it just, Debbi?   We’re getting old!   Oh, mind me sending something over?   Via FB Messenger?   I just want to make sure it’s coherent!


  1. Q1) Milan
    Q2) Requiem for a Dream (What a fascinating movie!)
    Q3) Instant Replay
    Q4) Austria-Hungary
    Q5) Jeweller (and sculptor)
    It's sunny here today, although it seems it might get worse (but here it was a holiday on Friday, and you know all about bank holiday weekends, so no surprises).
    Yes, sure.
    By the way, I saw your comment to Debbi, and realised we're not connected on Facebook, in case you want to use messenger ever... I am OlgaNM9 there... (I think. I have a page with my full name, but that's the one for the books and I don't get notifications from it so I'm bound to miss it if you send me something there).

  2. Very much so. Thanks!

    You should consider writing these guides up and selling them online! (Hint, hint ...!)

    1. Milan
    2. Requiem for a Dream
    3. Instant Replay
    4. Austria-Hungary
    5. jeweller


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