
Saturday 4 January 2020

Dracula — Episode 2 — Blood Vessel — A Review

4th January, 2020.

OK, it’s a Saturday … it’s quiet … 

And I’m doing what, exactly.

Well … 

Waiting for the delivery of something I ordered with my last bit of Christmas money.

Yep: I’m waiting for The Leopard from Lime Street to turn up.

In the mean time … ?

Yes: you’re right … I’ve time for the second episode of Dracula.


Episode 2Blood Vessel — sees Sister Agatha (Dolly Wells) quizzing Dracula (Claes Bang) about a trip he’s taking … aboard a ship called the Demeter.

A ship with a rough crew, odd cargo — including fifty boxes of dirt — and a motley collection of passengers.

Passengers who are slowly picked off by a mysterious killer: a killer suspected to be the mysterious passenger in Cabin Nine … 

But turns out to be the Count himself.

The only way to stop him … ?

Is some of the contents of the cargo hold … 


Now … was this another good episode, I here you ask … ?

Oh, was!

Blood Vessel actually seems to be an improvement on episode one.   And, bar the Beast with Five Fingers reference at the start of the thing?

Thankfully bereft of references to other things*.

Not that I mind the occasional game of Spot the Reference, but it can drag a bit.

At any rate … ?

At any rate, Blood Vessel is a fresh, zesty take on the both the Dracula story: and on a murder mystery.

And utter fun!

*        Off the top of my head?   Mina Harker mentions a barmaid — at the Rose and Crown — that Jonathon is fond of.   And Sister Gather mentions a detective she knows, in London …

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