
Wednesday 15 January 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-1-2020: Happy Days

15th January, 2020.

Remember, in late October, I had issues with my boiler?

The hot water was coming out tepid, at worst, and warm at best.

I booked up a repair for early November.

I had a total of three visits from two engineers.

With a final visit from an engineer on 6th November.

An engineer prepared to do extensive repair work: but only, eventually, replacing a sensor.

That lasted until late December: then the hot water issue repeated itself.

I reported it — again — and have a repair booked for this afternoon.

Meanwhile, back in the real world?

My hot water finally gave up the ghost on Sunday.

Which means:
  • I’m boiling water on the stove, so I can have a bath.
  • I spent a lot of time, yesterday, phoning the boiler people to let them know the engineer would need the parts he didn’t install, last time.

In the immortal words of John Lydon?

“Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?”


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 15th January saw the debut of TV series, Happy Days.   In which year?
Q2) On which US network?
Q3) Central character, Ritchie Cunningham, was played by who?
Q4) Name either of Ritchie’s parents.
Q5) Henry Winkler played Arthur Fonzarelli.   Also known as whom?
Q6) Recurring character, Chachi, was played by Scott Baio.   He made his screen debut in which 1976 musical?
Q7) Chachi’s girlfriend was Ritchie’s sister, Joanie.   Who played Joanie?>.
Q8) Happy Days was set in which US city?
Q9) Which cafe featured in the series?
Q10) Finally … ?   Which Happy Days spin-off starred Robin Williams and Pam Dawber?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Aloha from Hawaii — then felt to be the most watched satellite broadcast ever made — was broadcast on 14th January, 1973.   Which singer starred in Aloha from Hawaii?
Q2) Which US ship suffered an explosion on 14th January, 1969: whilst moored off Hawaii?
A2) The USS Enterprise.
Q3) The Human Be-In took place: on 14th January, 1967.   The Counterculture’s biggest event took place in which US city?
Q4) Marshall Tito — real name, Josip Broz — was named as President of where, on 14th January 1954?
Q5) Finally … ?   Gene Snitsky was born on 14th January, 1970.   He’s best known as a what: American footballer, wrestler or cheese maker?
A5) Wrestler.
Here’s a thought …
“Hey, I don’t wanna see where I’ve been.   I wanna see how cool I look getting there!”
Arthur Fonzarelli.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Ah HA!   You’d possibly be better off with Mazogs, then, Olga: you only need up, down, left and right!   It’s an old ZX81 game: and had stunning graphics.   Well stunning graphics … for a computer made in 1981!   (You right: it was 1953: I’m going to have to edit the Wiki page)

†        Glad to be able to help, Debbi.   It’s getting worse, though: YouTube’s throwing Taco’s entire back catalogue at me!   (Is it me, or does he look like Tim Curry … crossed with the Joker?)


  1. Q1) 1974
    Q2) ABC
    Q3) Ron Howard (I recently went to the preview of his documentary about Pavarotti, attended by his wife and all. He’s come quite a long way…)
    Q4) Howard and Marion Cunningham (Tom Bosley and Marion Ross)
    Q5) Fonzie (or The Fonz)
    Q6) Bugsy Malone
    Q7) Erin Moran
    Q8) Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    Q9) Arnold’s/ Al’s Drive In
    Q10) Mork & Mindy
    Thanks for the tips! And good luck with the heating saga. Fingers crossed!

  2. He does actually! :)

    1. 1974
    2. ABC
    3. Ron Howard
    4. Marion Cunningham
    5. Fonzie or the Fonz
    6. Bugsy Malone
    7. Erin Moran
    8. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    9. Arnold's
    10. Mork & Mindy


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