
Wednesday 12 February 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-2-2020: Georgia on my Mind

12th February, 2020.

Hmmm … 

I follow the news, occasionally.

With an interest in technology subjects.

One piece that has caught my eye, today?

Was that Ofcom — the UK’s media regulator — now has power to police social media sites for harmful content.

Child abuse images, decapitation videos, cyber bullying, what have you.

It’s a nice idea.

But … ?

I don’t know how much clout the UK’s regulator would have.

After all, most of the tech giants concerned — Facebook, Twitter, Weibo — are based in other counties.

Primarily, the US, Russia and China.

I think … that this move would have had more clout, had we still been members of the European Union.

Being a member of an EU regulator, Ofcom would have a lot more oomph.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring eight out of ten in the process.   The day also say Olga† looking in to say hello.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The US state of Georgia was founded: on 12th February of which year?
Q2) The US state of Georgia was admitted to the Union, in which year?
Q3) Georgia was the last of the Thirteen what, to be founded?
Q4) The State was named after which British monarch?
Q5) What’s Georgia’s state capital?
Q6) The state capital’s Georgia’s largest city by population.   What’s the second largest by population?
Q7) Jackson, Georgia, stands in for the fictional Hawkins, Indiana.   The fictional city is the setting for which series?
Q8) Then living in Fulton County, Georgia, 1886 saw Colonel John Pemberton invent the state’s best known fizzy drink.   Which drink?
Q9) Georgia born pianist, Richard Wayne Penniman, is better known how?
Q10) Finally … ?   Which Georgia born model recorded Shake Your Head, with Was Not Was and Ozzy Osbourne?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The BBC aired their first science fiction TV show on 11th February of which year?
A1) 1938.
Q2) The show was a 35 minute version of which play?
A2) Rossum’s Universal Robots: also know as R. U. R.
Q3) The BBC aired the adventures of which (fictional) rocket scientist?
A3) Bernard Quatermass.   (Saying that?   The last of Quatermass’s adventures was on ITV.)
Q4) That character’s creator was Nigel Kneale.   He also wrote The Year of the what Olympics?
Q5) Kneale also worked on a 1956 version of which science fiction tinged Orwell story?
Q6) According to the Guinness Book of Records, what’s the world’s longest running science fiction show?
Q7) Which UK science fiction show was on Channel Four, and is now on Netflix?
Q8) Which Spanish science fiction series sees an elite group of agents travelling through doorways in time … ?
A8) El Ministerio del Tiempoª.   (I’m a fan who prides himself on being able to pronounce the name.   Just!)
Q9) David McCallum and Joanna Lumley appeared in which SF series?
Q10) Finally … ?   Stephen Mangan played the main character in which Douglas Adams derived series?
Here’s a thought …
“Hardly could they be restrained from breaking forth in cheers, while we were marching through Georgia.”
Henry Clay Work, Marching Through Georgia^.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You can say that, again, Debbi!   Oh, have you caught Can You Hear Me?, yet?   And have I mentioned I’ve been reading Orwell’s The Lion and The Unicorn?   It’s fantastic.

†        He did have a way with words, Olga, didn’t he … ?   And invented a few: duckspeak, double think, Newspeak, unperson‡.   Big Brother Is Watching You is possibly the most relevant phrase in 1984 … given we all have laptops … (As I recall, Chris Langham did a docudrama about Orwell, many years ago.   It’s a fascinating watch: although Langham since been caught with serious child pornography.)

‡      Saying that … ?   I think unperson has been replaced by Disappeared

^        Ward Moore’s Bring the Jubilee takes it’s name from Marching Through Georgia.

ª        First rule of The Ministry of Time?   Don’t Piss Off Alonso!


  1. Q1) 1733
    Q2) 1788
    Q3) Colonies
    Q4) King George II
    Q5) Atlanta
    Q6) Augusta
    Q7) Stranger Things
    Q8) Coca Cola
    Q9) Little Richard
    Q10) Kim Basinger
    I'm back! It's been a hard and busy few days. And my friend was on her way to Vitoria for a meeting before she could go back home, spending all night on a bus, so I can't imagine how tired she'll be. Now that I think about it, before I forget, in March I'll be studying an intensive course and it sounds quite tough (an all-day affair), so I'm not sure I'll be around much (perhaps in the weekends, although I know I'll have to work on assignments even then), but it will only be four weeks. And perhaps it will prove useful (trying to get an official certificate to teach English). Good luck with your job hunting.

  2. Another book to add to the endless TBR pile! :)

    1. 1733
    2. 1788
    3. Colonies
    4. King George II
    5. Atlanta
    6. Augusta
    7. Stranger Things
    8. Coca-Cola
    9. Little Richard
    10. Kim Basinger


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