
Sunday 23 February 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-2-2020: Pepys

23rd February, 2020.

Yes: it’s officially the case: I want to go back to beck … !


Because I had a rather late night las night: watching a movie!

Sometimes, you have to follow up a suggestions, don’t you … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Olga on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 23rd February saw the birth of diarist, Samuel Pepys.   In which year?
Q2) He was born on which London Street?
Q3) He started his diary on 1st January, of which year: 1660, 1661 or 1662?
Q4) 23rd February saw Pepys visit a Mr Mumford.   Mr Mumford was a what: MP, Chaplain or cheesewright?
Q5) August, 1665, saw Pepys write: “But, Lord! how sad a sight it is to see the streets empty of people, and very few upon the ’Change.”   The streets were empty because of the what?
Q6) 2nd September, 1666, saw Pepys telling the King to pull down houses in London.   He did this: to stop damage from the Great … what?
Q7) Which King did he say that to?
Q8) Pepys played the Flageolet.   A flageolet is a type of what: flute, violin or guitar?
Q9) Pepys was elected — in 1673 — as an MP for which constituency?
Q10) Finally … ?   Whilst President of the Royal Society, Pepys authorised the publication of the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica.   Who wrote the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 22nd February, 2020, is a Saturday.   The last time 22nd February was A Saturday, was in which year?
A1) 2014.
Q2) The day was named by the Ancient Romans.   Named after which planet?
A2) Saturn.
Q3) That planet was named after which god?
A3) Saturn … obviously …
Q4) Elections take place on Saturday.   Where: Australia, New Zealand or both?
A4) Both.
Q5) Sannie Charlotte Carlson had an international hit single with Saturday Night.   How is Sannie better known?
A5) Whigfield.   (Wasn’t it irritating … ?   The song’s only saving grace is that Whigfield herself … doesn’t know how to do the silly dance routine.)
Q6) The Blues Brothers, Dana Carvey, Jimmy Fallon and Eddie Murphy, have all appeared on which US show?
A6) Saturday Night Live.
Q7) Friday Night, Saturday Morning, was the b-side of which hit for the Specials?
A7) Ghost Town.
Q8) The US term, Saturday Night Special usually refers to cheap what: guns, drugs or coshes?
A8) Guns.
Q9) Which 1977 film sees John Travolta play Tony Manero?
A9) What else?   Saturday Night Fever.
Q10) Finally?   Saturday is the main holy day for whom: Jews, Hindus or Muslims?
A10) Jews.   Indeed, the word, sabbath, is an Anglicised version of the Jewish term, shabbat.
Here’s a thought …
“Musique and women I cannot but give way to, whatever my business is.”
Samuel Pepys.
And some: commissioned by Pepys, himself …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You’re right, Olga: some of the older — and not so old — Bond films can be … well, the #MeToo movement would be complaining!   Moving on … ?   I’m glad to hear I’m not the only person having issues with Youtube!   I’m also aware you and Debbi get a mention in the Knives Out review … !   Ahem!

†        They’ve changed the sign process on you Movies blog, Debbi, haven’t they?   I was going to mention that Francis Dolarhyde is in Thomas Harris’ Red Dragon: he’s the killer, the Tooth Fairy!   To quote Bricktop?   He’s a nasty piece of work, that boy!   (Cheers for the comment, Debbi!)


  1. Q1) 1633
    Q2) Fleet Street
    Q3) 1660
    Q4) Chaplain
    Q5) The Great Plague
    Q6) Fire
    Q7) Charles II
    Q8) flute
    Q9) Harwich
    Q10) Isaac Newton
    I'll check the review! Sorry for the late night!

  2. I did not know that. A response I saw often give when I read your blog! And it's many footnotes. :)

    1. 1633
    2. Fleet Street
    3. 1660
    4. Chaplain
    5. Great Plague
    6. Fire of London
    7. Charles II
    8. flute
    9. Castle Rising
    10. Isaac Newton

    Something's changed on the movie blog? This is the first I've heard of it. What's the problem?


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