
Sunday 2 February 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd February, 2020

2nd February, 2020.

Yes: I have a quiet Sunday ahead, today.

Well, I say quiet … 

Frankly, it all depend on how noisy my washing machine gets!

It does make a racket … 

Which is why I didn’t switch it on, last night: it would’ve interrupted For All Mankind.

And why I’m not planning to clean anything when Dr Who’s on, tonight.



About Brexit?

You and I both know that — in 2014 — Scotland had an Independence referendum … one that saw Scotland decide to remain in the UK.

With the EU Referendum, in 2016?

The UK decided to leave: something I believe we are going to regret.

Especially when you consider the Scottish Nationalists — who now form the majority of Westminster MPs — have taken that as a mandate to hold a second Independence referendum.

As the 2016 referenda show a majority of Scots wanted to stay in the EU.


Given the money, I’d love to move to an independent Scotland, that was an EU member.

It’s about the only way I’d be able to remain an EU citizen.

Given that … ?

The fact former EU president, Donald Tusk, has announced he’s sympathetic to a second such referendum?

Sympathetic — with caveats — to Scotland joining the EU?

Given that, I think a second Scottish Independence referendum is a good thing.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 2nd February is Candlemas: also known as the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed … who?
Q2) 2nd February is Marmot Day.   In which US state?
Q3) 2nd February is dedicated to Yemanja.   Yemanja is a goddess in which faith: Vodou, Candomblé or Santeria?
Q4) Which country introduced the Civil Marriage Act: on 2nd February, 2005?
Q5) Finally … ?   2nd February, 1882, saw the birth of writer, James Joyce.   Which country was he born in … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 1st February will see many pagans marking Imbolc.   The festival marks the start of what: spring, summer, autumn or winter?
A1) Spring.
Q2) You’re supposed to visit a holy what at Imbolc: holy well, holy wood or stone circle?
A2) A holy well.
Q3) You’re supposed to around that place, how: sunwise or widdershins?
A3) Sunwise.   In other words, clockwise in the Northern hemisphere, anti clockwise in the southern on.   (Sunwise and Widdershins?   Now I see them written down, I’m thinking they’re some form of neopagan detective team.)
Q4) It’s also a traditional time for weather divination.   Many would what to see if which mammal would appear: the groundhog, squirrel or badger?
A4) The badger‡.
Q5) Finally … ?   Imbolc is associated with which saint?
Here’s a thought …
“I want to give a picture of Dublin so complete that if the city suddenly disappeared from the earth it could be reconstructed out of my book.”
James Joyce, 2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        With Word, you say, Olga?   That sort of makes sense.   If I’ve understood things correctly, spiked Word documents are a common way of spreading malware.   And yeah, you’re right about the reinstall: although I had to reinstall an app, yesterday, from backup.   Which didn’t do much much damage.   As for Brexit … ?   Well … Good Luck to Scotland … (Hang on, wasn’t that a Groucho Marx quote?).  (A Saint Brigid’s Day dolly?   I’m going to have look those up …)

†        Yeah … I notice the President’s survived impeachment, Debbi.   Here’s hoping he’s replaced in the election … !   Or Spitting Image takes off in the States.   (You should’ve seen what they did with Ronald Reagan.)

‡        As I’ve mentioned badgers … 


  1. Q1) Virgin Mary
    Q2) Alaska
    Q3) Candomblé
    Q4) Canada
    Q5) Ireland
    Yes, I hope they prove more enlightened there than here with the independence thing. At least they agreed to the referendum the first time around (will the new government agree?). I do love Scotland, and I remember talking to some consultants working there, and it seemed there was a far lesser degree of interference in their work than in the UK, and seemingly far less paperwork as well!

  2. Happy Groundhog Day! :)

    1. Virgin Mary
    2. Alaska
    3. Vodou
    4. Canada
    5. Ireland


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