
Monday 3 February 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd February, 2020.

3rd February, 2020.

Yep: it’s officially official.

I’m having an early start.

It’s a Monday, it’s the 3rd of February … and I’ve my usual meeting at the Job Centre.


That’s not an issue.

The issue’s my mood.

Oh, don’t worry: I’m not feeling that bad.

But not being successful at interview, and the length of time I’ve been out of a job … ?

Is depressing … 


At least one minor nice point … ?

Is simply Youtube.

Whilst I haven’t started a prospective new channel, as yet?

The response I’m getting to the Dr Who Reviews I’m posting?

Is good: I’m getting comments … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four..

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The 16th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified: on 3rd February, 1913.   What did it allow the US Federal government to collect: income tax, sales tax or excise duty?
Q2) The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified: on 3rd February, 1870.   It allowed all men to vote: regardless of what?
Q3) Which country’s Communist party was founded at a conference in Hon Kong: on 3rd February, 1930?
Q4) 3rd February, 1970, saw the birth of actor, Warwick Davis.   In which 1988 film. Did he appear with Joanne Whalley and Val Kilmer?
Q5) Finally … ?   3rd February, 1904, saw the birth of Charles Arthur ‘Pretty Boy’ Floyd.   Which Dick Tracy villain is said to be based on Floyd?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 2nd February is Candlemas: also known as the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed … who?
A1) Virgin Mary.
Q2) 2nd February is Marmot Day.   In which US state?
A2) Alaska.
Q3) 2nd February is dedicated to Yemanja.   Yemanja is a goddess in which faith: Vodou, Candomblé or Santeria? 
Q4) Which country introduced the Civil Marriage Act: on 2nd February, 2005?
A4) Canada.
Q5) Finally … ?   2nd February, 1882, saw the birth of writer, James Joyce.   Which country was he born in … ?
A5) Ireland.
Here’s a thought …
“Any kind of recognition for the work that you've done is a terrific thing.”
Warwick Davis, born 3 February 1970.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s a beautiful part of the world, Olga.   To my shame, I’ve never actually been!   My family’s got it’s roots, there.   As for IndyRef2?   Boris has already put his foot down on it.   Which is a shame: but also means a second referendum is a long way off, given the new government’s majority.   Fingers crossed.   (From what I learnt of the 2014 referendum?   The SNP are on good terms with Catalunya’s independence movement.)

†        Oh, boy, Groundhog Day!   One of these days, Debbi, I’m going to have to watch that.   Once I’ve finished Dr Who.   And Star Trek Picard.   And For All Mankind.   And El Ministerio del Tiempo … Talking of Dr Who, you might want to hold off reading the review, for a while: but Trevor has put a comment on, and isn’t happy.


  1. Q1) Income tax
    Q2) race
    Q3) Vietnam
    Q4) Willow
    Q5) Flattop Jones
    Yes, the SNP is quite friendly towards the ideas of Catalonia (in fact they are housing a political exile at the moment, that after Brexit can now be recognised as an European Member of Parliament. Go figure that turn of events!)
    I agree with Debbi. You must check Groundhog Day. It's well-worth a watch. I hadn't watched it until my cousin convinced me to years back and it's worth it. (There's quite a funny version of it from Supernatural, where one of the two brothers, Dean, keeps getting killed in different ways on a loop when the day repeats, no matter what his brother tries to do to prevent it. The more the brother tries to avoid it, the more bizarre the way he dies!)
    Take heart. Things usually come up when we least expect them (and now, that's a stupid comment, because of course, if we knew they were coming we would be expecting them, but you know what I mean).

  2. Uh oh. I'll be watching tonight. With mild trepidation. :)

    1. income tax
    2. race
    3. Vietnam
    4. Willow
    5. Flattop


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