
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-4-2020: April Fool’s Day.

1st April, 2020.

I’ve usually got the news on: day to day.

And, as you can imagine, it’s been day to day corona-coverage.

Then, yesterday?

This piece cropped up on many news site.

Telling us that thirteen year old Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab — a boy with no apparent underlying health conditions — had died as a result of complications.

Thirteen … that’s only a few years older than my nephew, Jude.

That’s … well … 

That’s a tragedy … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi on ten pout of ten, and Trevor on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st April is April Fool’s Day.   When — in the UK — are you supposed to stop playing tricks on people: mid-day, or midnight?
Q2) Prima Aprilis is the name for the day — in Latin — in which European country: Poland, Estonia or Lithuania?
Q3) Fools — also called jesters — were medieval entertainers.   Will Sommers was the court jester to which Monarch: Henry 7th, Henry 8th or Elizabeth 1st?
Q4) Yorick the Jester was a minor character: in which of William Shakespeare’s plays?
Q5) On the Tarot card, The Fool, the Fool is traditionally depicted as being just about to step off a … what?
Q6) The equivalent to the Fool in a standard — French — deck of cards, is the Joker.   The card is said to have its origins in which card game: poker, Euchre or Rummy?
Q7) Who played the Joker in the 2019 film, Joker?
Q8) In the film, Finding Nemo, Nemo is what kind of fish?
Q9) Foolish Lake is in which US state?
Q10) Finally … ?   The Fool is a 2014 film directed by Yuri Bykov.   And made in which country … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 31st March, 2020, is a Tuesday.   In which years was 31st March last a Tuesday?
A1) 2015.
Q2) The day is named after the god, Týr.   Týr’s a god in which mythology: Greek, Roman, Aztec or Norse?
A2) Norse.
Q3) According to the old rhyme, Tuesday’s Child is full of what?
A3) Grace.
Q4) Tuesday’s Child is an episode of which British hospital Drama: Casualty, Holby City or Emergency Ward Ten?
A4) Holby City.
Q5) According to astrologers, Tuesday’s associated with which planet: Mars, Venus or Mercury?
A5) Mars.
Q6) Australia’s Melbourne Cup is traditionally held on a Tuesday.   What is the Melbourne Cup: a Rugby match, polo match or horse race?
A6) A horse race.
Q7) Tuesday the 13th is considered unlucky in Spain.   And where else: Greece, Germany or Denmark?
A7) Greece.
Q8) Super Tuesday is when US political parties hold primary … what?
A8) Primary elections.
Q9) Who released Tuesday Night Music Club?
A9) Sheryl Crow.   (Appropriately enough?   All I Wanna Do, the album’s best known single, is set on a Tuesday.)
Q10) Finally … Dienstag aus Licht, Tuesday from Light, is an opera by whom: Ludwig van Beethoven, Karlheinz Stockhausen or Richard Wagner?
Here’s a thought …
“Hope often tricks a fool.”
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah, I managed to get that corrected, Trevor.   I’m not the only one: you got Mars and Holby City mixed up!   Charlie Fairhead’s an Ice Warrior, obviously!

†        I certainly try, Debbi!   Oh, I’ve caught another episode of Star Trek Picard … !


  1. Well i got the right answers but not necessarily in the right order. At least it proved that you checked the answers. May answer next time there are 5 questions.

  2. OK: I’ll get the tea, Ern …

  3. Pour me a cuppa. :) A virtual cuppa.

    1. mid-day
    2. Poland
    3. Henry VIII
    4. Hamlet (alas, poor Yorick ...)
    5. cliff
    6. Euchre
    7. Joaquin Phoenix
    8. a clownfish
    9. California (did not know that and I lived in Fresno for a while)
    10. Russia


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