
Thursday 2 April 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-4-2020: Charlemagne

2nd April, 2020.


He says, with only half an ounce of irony.

I’ve had some updates!

On a serious note, Apple have — this morning — issued updates to their iWork suite.

Pages, Numbers and Keynote, in other words.

Frankly, I’m looking forward to exploring some of the new features in both Pages and Keynote.

I use both to write the Teasers: Pages for the actual text, and Keynote’s ability to export files as images and simple animations for the videos.

It’s … 

It’s possibly a sign of the times: I’m looking forward to using a word processor!


Are you’re in the UK … ?

If, like me, you are, you’re aware of the situation with the Corona virus.

And aware that many — out of work in the Lockdown — have applied for Universal Credit.

A million, in the past two weeks.

I’m on UC, myself: having been out of work for the past couple of years.

I must admit, I’m sympathetic: I really am.

No one likes being out of work, whatever the reason.

Like I say, I’m sympathetic … 

But also concerned.

After all, the payment system is going to come under a lot of strain, over the next few weeks.

I’d like my cash to get through, thanking you!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers:  scoring ten out of ten in the process.

The day also saw Trevor† looking in to say ‘Hello’

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Charlemagne was born on 2nd April of which year: 748AD, 749AD or 750AD?
Q2) He was Emperor of the Carolingian Empire.   As such, he was Charles the what: First, Second or Third?
Q3) The name, Charlemagne means Charles the what: Fat, Bald or Great?
Q4) Charlemagne was crowned as Emperor in which city: Paris, Rome or Aachen?
Q5) Finally … ?   What was Charlemagne’s Imperial Capital: Paris, Rome or Aachen?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 1st April is April Fool’s Day.   When — in the UK — are you supposed to stop playing tricks on people: mid-day, or midnight?
A1) Mid-day.
Q2) Prima Aprilis is the name for the day — in Latin — in which European country: Poland, Estonia or Lithuania?
A2) Poland.
Q3) Fools — also called jesters — were medieval entertainers.   Will Sommers was the court jester to which Monarch: Henry 7th, Henry 8th or Elizabeth 1st?
A3) Henry 8th.   (Sommers’ picture, on his Wikipedia page?   Vaguely reminds me of Jeremy Irons.)
Q4) Yorick the Jester was a minor character: in which of William Shakespeare’s plays?
A4) Hamlet.   (Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him, Horatio: oft-times, as an infant, he did dawdle me upon his knee.   VERY suspicious …)
Q5) On the Tarot card, The Fool, the Fool is traditionally depicted as being just about to step off a … what?
A5) Cliff.
Q6) The equivalent to the Fool in a standard — French — deck of cards, is the Joker.   The card is said to have its origins in which card game: poker, Euchre or Rummy?
A6) Euchre.
Q7) Who played the Joker in the 2019 film, Joker?
Q8) In the film, Finding Nemo, Nemo is what kind of fish?
A8) A clownfish.
Q9) Foolish Lake is in which US state?
Q10) Finally … ?   The Fool is a 2014 film directed by Yuri Bykov.   And made in which country … ?
A10) Russia.
Here’s a thought … 
“Right action is better than knowledge; but in order to do what is right, we must know what is right.”
And possibly the only song I could find about Charlemagne … by Dracula … …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Certainly, Debbi.   Once I’ve de-coked the teapot!   And maybe chiselled off the stains … !

†        Five question sets, you say, Trevor … ?


  1. I do love the 5-question sets. Especially with short answers! :)

    1. 748 AD
    2. First
    3. Great
    4. Rome
    5. Aachen

  2. I had no idea Christopher Lee sang like that. Wow!


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