
Wednesday 10 June 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th June, 2020.

10th June, 2020.

Yes: I admit to being baffled.

I have no idea why I get earworms: songs playing through my head.

Nor why a given is banging around in my skull.

But I’ve had one going through my brain, this morning.

The Fishermen Friends Blow the Man Down.

I’ve just realised what that line said … !


I’m not translating it!


Just as a thought … ?

I posted a few bits — at the end of May — about digital poverty.   To the point I’m planning a piece on it.

It’s a complicated subject … so I’m taking my time.

I hope, though, to have the initial post up, within the week.

I’d love to get your feedback.

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 10th June, 1886, saw the eruption of Mount Tarawera.   The volcano is in which country?
Q2) Jaycee Lee Dugard was kidnapped on 10th June, 1991.   She was eventually freed in which year?
Q3) 10th June is the feast day of Saint John of Tobolsk.  Tobolsk is in which country?
Q4) 10th June is World Art what Day?
Q5) Finally … ?   10th June, 1961, saw the birth of singer, Max Alfred Elliot: better known how?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 9th June is La Rioja Day.   La Rioja is in which European country?
A1) Spain.
Q2) What’s La Rioja’s capital?
A2) Logroña.
Q3) Rioja Alta, Rioja Oriental and Rioja Alavesa grow grapes.   Grapes used to make what?
A3) Riojan Wine.   (From the little I recall of my days working in an off license?   Tempranillo’s the usual grape used for red Rioja.)
Q4) Gonzalo de Berceo was a famous Riojan what: actor, poet or sculptor?
A4) Poet.
Q5) Finally … ?   La Rioja was part of the Muslim domains in Spain: called Al … what?
A5) Al-Andalus.   (If I’ve understood the history, correctly?   Modern Andalusia, in Southern Spain, was the last part of the country to be re-conquered from the Caliphate.)
Here’s a thought …
“A hotel mini bar allows you to see what a can of Pepsi will cost in twenty years.”
Rich Hall, born June 10, 1954.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yes, Zumba it isn’t, Olga: I don’t think Zumba classes have the room for accordion players!
Yep: I found the post, thanking you!   I’ll have to bookmark them!
As for Reynauds … ?   Your Dad’s experiences sound familiar: my feet suffer in winter, even with thick socks!   What CAN I tell you?
The funny old thing … ?   Is the kitchen is exactly where I was going to ask about having the thermostat.   Yes, you’re, it wouldn’t be the best place, heat wise … but putting it there means there’d be no walls blocking the signal!   I’m allowed to ask the engineer about it, but the move’s at his discretion.   (That map is the best I could do with GIMP‡ …)

†        I’ll have to go and look that up, Debbi: it’s got a good reputation … and Robin Williams … !!!!!!   Dear lord, that man’s death was a loss.
Did you ever see One Hour Photo … ?   Ye gods … !   I think part of what made Williams’ role so unnerving was simple the fact we see a very creepy character being played by the world’s funniest man …

‡        Gnu Image Manipulation Programme.   Before you ask … !


  1. Q1) New Zealand
    Q2) 2009 (This question reminded me of the argument the author of the book I’ve just finished reading ‘Humankind’ makes about what we call ‘realism’. He says if we read a book or watch a movie about a woman being kept chained in a cellar for twenty years we call it realistic, when this has only happened once or twice, while a movie like ‘Love, Actually’ about people falling in love, which happens to millions of people every day, is called a fantasy. It’s a fascinating book. I hope to publish the review on my blog next week and I’ll try to remember to share the link with you).
    Q3) Russia (Siberia)
    Q4) Art Nouveau Day
    Q5) Maxi Priest
    Let’s see what they say about the thermostat. It probably depends on how thick the walls are as well. My advice would be to put it away from the actual cooking area if possible, but I suspect you probably don’t spend as long in the kitchen as my friend and her family did (they are from India, love to entertain, and both, she and her husband, love to cook. Also, that house was pretty self-contained and the kitchen wasn’t very big, so I’m sure that made the temperature there get much higher than it would have otherwise).
    And, of course, do share the article. You know I’m opinionated to say the least. Feedback will follow. :)

  2. You have the wrong day in your verbal Intro. I make it Wednesday today.

    A1 New Zealand

    A2 2009

    A3 Siberia Russian Federation

    A4 Nouveau

    A5 Maxi Priest

  3. I've heard of GIMP, but seem to struggle with using it.

    I've also heard that One Hour Photo was good.

    1. New Zealand
    2. 2009
    3. Russia
    4. Nouveau
    5. Maxi Priest


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