
Wednesday 24 June 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th June, 2020

24th June, 2020.

I think we can safely say I had an interview, yesterday.

You might have noticed the photos on Instagram … 

Including the photo of a Romford street call Ducking Stool Court.

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Obviously, Romford takes burning witches, seriously.

At any rate … ?

The interview seemed to have gone well enough.

But I’ll find out in a couple of weeks time.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 24th June is the feast day of Saint John the whom?
Q2) 24th June, 1314, saw a Scottish army — led by Robert the Bruce — win a battle against an Edward 2nd.   The Battle of where?
Q3) Reverend Ian Paisley warned where was on the verge civil war: on 24th June, 1986?
Q4) Lonesome George died on 24th June, 2012.   What was Goerge: a finch, a tortoise or an elephant?
Q5) Finally … ?   24th June, 1911, saw the birth of Juan Manuel Fangio (1st).   What was he: a racing driver, a golfer or a footballer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) John Gotti was jailed for life: on 23rd June of which year?
A1) 1992.
Q2) He was known as the Teflon … what?
A2) Don.
Q3) Gotti was the boss of the what crime family?
A3) Gambino family.
Q4) Gotti, and his family, were one of the Five Families.   In other words, part of which criminal organisation: the Yakuza, Cartels or Mafia?
A4) The Italian American Mafia.
Q5) Finally … ?   Gotti’s family were based in which US city?
A5) New York.
Here’s a thought …
Diplomacy, n. The patriotic art of lying for one’s country.”
From The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce, June 24, 1842 – circa 1914.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I take it Scunthorpe’s doing badly, then, Trevor … ?

†        I thought so, Olga: lock down, and the weather’s having an effect … !   (The day the Ministry gets a UK release?   Won’t be a day too soon!)
At any rate: the interview seemed to go well: but it’s going to be a week or too, before I hear.   Oh, and I caught this busker, yesterday: she’s called Chloe!

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‡        Servalan is rather impressive, Debbi: at least I think so! 😀   It’s AppleTV+, Debbi: but I know what you mean.   At any rate … ?   I’ve not actually read Foundation: I know it’s one of the classics! The series looks good, though!   (So did For All Mankind: I don’t know if you caught that, but it’s another one that’s worth the effort!   It’s about NASA: in an alternative 1960s, where the USSR put a man on the moon, first.)


  1. A1 Baptist

    A2 Bannockburn

    A3 Northern Ireland

    A4 Tortoise

    A5 F1 Racing Driver

    Yes The Iron had a bad season.Finished nearer to bottom of table than to the top.

    I worked in Romford for a number of years and never came across that road. It is almost as bad as some of the street names of York.

  2. Q1) Baptist
    Q2) Bannockburn
    Q3) Northern Ireland
    Q4) A tortoise
    Q5) Race car driver
    I like Chloe! I'm a fan of Dolly Parton, and she does quite a good job of Jolene. Fingers crossed the news about the interview is good. I was going to ask what it was for, but let's not spoil it (not that I'm superstitious or anything, but...). I enjoyed the ending (some of it more than others, as I imagine we all have our own idea about what we'd like to happen), but it has some very nice touches. I was going to say I'll miss it on Tuesday evenings, but they usually show classic movies on another TV channel, and although I've normally watched them already, they tend to be films I don't mind watching again.

  3. Sounds interesting!

    1. Baptist
    2. Bannockburn
    3. Northern Ireland
    4. a tortoise
    5. a racing driver


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