
Saturday 27 June 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th June, 2020

27th June, 2020.

Right … I ordered a thingie on Amazon, a while back.

This thing, to be precise.

I actually ended up … 

With this … 

When I asked how to return it, the people that sold it to me, told me to keep it.

Quite what I’m supposed to do with a puzzle that looks that fiddly, I don’t know!


As a quick thought … ?

You’ve possibly followed my digital poverty pieces: at least, I hope you have!

Here they are: parts one, two, three and four.

Just to keep you informed?   Phoenix FM, the local radio station, have been in touch about it.


I’ll be able to do something with them.

We’ll see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Trevor on five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 27th June, 2019, Apple announce Jony Ive would be leaving.   What did Ive do: design things, write software or organise the finances?
Q2) 27th June is National HIV Testing Day: in which country?
Q3) 27th June, 1991, saw Yugoslav Troops invade where?
Q4) 27th June, 1974, saw President Richard Nixon begin a visit to where: China, the USSR or the UK?
Q5) Finally … ?   27th June, 1955, saw the birth of French actress, Isabelle Adjani.   In which 1981 film does she play the duel roles of Helen and Anna?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 26th June is the UN sponsored International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.   It was first observed in which year of the 1990s?
A1) 1998.
Q2) 26th June is the UN sponsored International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicitwhat?
Q3) 26th June is World what Day?
Q4) 26th June is also Ratcatcher’s Day.   Where: Hamburg, Hamelin or Höhenmolsen?
A4) Hamelin.   (There’s actually two of them: the other is on 22nd July.)
Q5) Finally?   26th June is the Feast day of Jeremiah.   He’s seen as the author of Old Testament Book of Lamentations, the Book of Kings and the Book of what?
A5) Book of Jeremiah.   Obviously.
Here’s a thought …
“This is all very funny. Today I am a star - and tomorrow?”
Isabelle Adjani, born 27th June, 1955
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You know, the more I see of him, Olga, the more I think of Charles Rennie Mackintosh: they both sound like design polymaths!   They had very different aesthetics, as far as I could see — Mackintosh did lots of tall, straight lines, Gaudí did lots of curves, and colours — but they were doing stuff that seems so tactile … !
I think I envy you.   Barcelona sounds a lot like London: with all the new development going on, something’s always being dug up.   The most recent I can think of was at Liverpool Street Station, the burial grounds for Bedlam.   And the Mithraeum’s been open to the public since the 1950s.
What’s the best my home town got … ?   The Secret Nuclear Bunker.   It’s so secret, there’s road signs.

†        I have to confess, Trevor, I’ve read I, Robot and The Rest of the Robots… but that’s about it!   Susan Calvin was one of the characters!   I’m also very aware the Three Laws are the most influential three sentences in science-fiction.   The man’s genius was realising that we build technology … with safety features … !   The fact a science fiction fan like Elon Musk, completely misses that?   Only proves Asimov was right about that damn Frankenstein complex!   Sorry, Trevor, you’ve just pushed a button!

‡        Cheers, Debbi, that seriously means a lot!   And I know what you mean … There’s a LOT of stuff to do … !   I’m half thinking I don’t want the job I went for: I still have to much to do, indoors … !   (The radio station could prove interesting to do.)


  1. Q1) Design things
    Q2) United States
    Q3) Slovenia
    Q4) The USSR
    Q5) Possession
    You're right about Charles Rennie Mackintosh. I guess they thought about a total living experience, rather than just creating the walls around the person. And yes, I'm forever coming across places and features in Barcelona that I had never heard about (some of the buildings in the Gothic quarter have bits of the Roman wall on their cellars).
    I love local radio, as you know, so I'm sure this will be very enjoyable for you, and useful for everybody else. Did I tell you that the radio host I learned from, in Penistone, always did a quiz?

  2. A1 design things

    A2 USA

    A3 Republic of Slovenia

    A4 USSR

    A5 Possession ( I guess that til stands for Film)

    I have about 250 Sci-Fi books in the house and reread some of them from time to time. I think the oldest is "a voyage to the moon" written in French by Cyrano de Bergerac. I have an E|nglish translation of this 18th century book.

  3. I'd definitely try for that radio station. I wonder if there's a podcast that addresses issues of this sort. Seems like there should be.

    1. design things
    2. the USA
    3. Slovenia
    4. the USSR
    5. Possession


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