
Monday 8 June 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-6-2020: Eight Days A Week,

8th June, 2020

Right … there’s two things I want to tell you: as quickly as I can, as I’m feeling rushed.


I’m knackered!

But then … ?

I was up late, watching Penny Dreadful: City of Angels.

But then again?   It’s one hell of a series!

The other thing … ?

I have a functioning boiler: after the repairman visited, yesterday.

He had to show me how to get it working, without using the thermostat: as that’s what’s causing the issue.

It’s not connecting to the boiler.

He’s going to be reporting it in: but I’m also going to give my landlord’s a call … 

Just in case … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Today is the 8th.   8 is an even number.   Is it a prime number?
Q2) What is the cube root of eight?   (∛8)
Q3) In computing, 8 bits is a what?
Q4) 8 is a Fibonacci number: and the sum of the two preceding Fibonacci numbers.   In other words, it’s 3 plus … what?
Q5) 8 is the atomic number of which gas: Nitrogen, Oxygen or Fluorine?
Q6) Spiders have eight legs.   Are they arachnids, insects or diplopoda‡?
Q7) In Rugby league, the Number 8 player is a what: hooker, lock or prop?
Q8) In music, a group of notes going from one note to one, eight notes above it, is called a what?
Q9) A horizontal figure of 8 — ∞ — is used to represent what: infinity, eternity or absolute zero?
10) Finally … ?   A V8 engine has eight what: cylinders, crankshafts or valves?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Royal Assent was granted to the Representation of the People Act 1832: on 7th June, 1832.   Did the Act allow women to vote?
A1) No.   (If memory serves?   It took another ninety years, and a world war … )
Q2) The Lateran treaty was signed on 7th June, 1929: setting up Vatican City in the process.   It was signed by which county’s Parliament?
A2) Italy’s.
Q3) 7th June, 1909, saw the birth of actress, Jessica Tandy.   In which film did she play Daisy Werthan?
Q4) Dean Martin was born on 7th June, 1917.   In which 1981 film did he play Jamie Blake?
A4) The Cannonball Run.
Q5) Finally … ?   7th June, 1099, saw the start of the Siege of Jerusalem.   During what: the First, Second or Third, Crusade?
A5) The First Crusade.
Here’s a thought …
“I don’t get up, get dressed, go out, and think, ‘Okay, I gotta find eight jokes.’”
Steven Wright.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Well … I’ve got the heating partially solved, Olga: I’m going to have to chase it up with my landlords, thought.   Same stuff, different day, to paraphrase an old saying.   The whether’s … actually, the weather’s nippy for June: nippy enough that having the heating on helps take the edge off.   Mind you, I feel the cold.
Debbi’s a tough woman: I do know the ten question sets cause havoc for her hand, though!   (It’s the dystonia.)
I’m glad I don’t use Mailchimp, it sounds like it could be an awkward one.   Thunderbird’s bad enough!   The library’s opening next month: which reminds me, I’ll have to see how Brentwood’s handling things.   (I keep my brain in a box in the freezer: does that help … ?)

†        Oh, handy one, Debbi!   I still don’t know what ours are doing: although, hopefully, we’ll get access, as Brentwood Library is home to the registry office.   There might just be a sign on the door!   Oh, I’ve worked you and Olga’s channels into last night’s Penny Dreadful review video.   They’ve been getting good views, so hopefully, that should get you some extra views … !   (Sorry about the amount of questions, by the way: but five questions always seems too few, for numbers!)

‡        Diplop … diPLO poda … Diplodicus … that’s a word to be careful with … !


  1. Q1) No.
    Q2) 2
    Q3) A byte
    Q4) 5
    Q5) Oxygen
    Q6) Arachnids
    Q7) A prop. Now, what’s a prop in rugby? Don’t worry, don’t worry. You don’t need to answer.
    Q8) An octave (I think. I know nothing about this either).
    Q9) Infinity
    10) 8 cylinders
    Thanks for mentioning the video. You’re a star. I’ve included the Daily Teaser as a recommendation on my blog’s page with the teaching resources. One never knows. I’ll keep sharing it in future videos, so we’ll see. Oh, and the post where I share the whole page (video and all) is programmed for tomorrow, so fingers crossed. I managed to gather some extra teaching materials on Saturday as one of the second hand bookshops in the neighbourhood is open now (they are part of a franchise called Re-Read, where you can sell old books and also buy them cheap, and the more you buy, the cheaper they get. They don’t pay huge prices, but it seems a fair trade-off).
    I’m pleased you got some heating. I also feel the cold (I have self-diagnosed Raynauds, mind you, being a doctor I guess it’s fine, and my feet and especially my hands get cold very quickly. Even at home when it gets a bit chilly I wear fingerless gloves and thick woolly socks) but that is not such a big problem here, although it can get chilly in the winter and my mother’s apartment doesn’t have central heating (it wasn’t common here when they bought it). Being mostly static sitting down all day doesn’t help, so I do try to stand up, walk around and do some exercising during the day as well, when I’m not out and about.
    Yes, I understand why long sets will be more difficult for Debby. Good to know she’s fine.

  2. We'll definitely check out the show. Thanks! :)

    1. no
    2. 2
    3. an octet
    4. 5
    5. oxygen
    6. arachnids
    7. prop
    8. an octave
    9. infinity
    10. cylinders

    I managed to muscle through all ten. Again! :)


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