
Saturday 15 August 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-8-2020: The Wow Signal

15th August, 2020

Yep: it’s raining!

It’s rainingly raining in a rainy kind of way.

As it didn’t, yesterday.

After blah days of solid — and hot — sunshine?

Frankly, that’s welcome!

Saying that … ?

I’ve a little shopping to do, later.

I think a coat may be in order.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Wow Signal was picked up at Ohio State University: on 15th August of which year?
Q2) The signal was picked up by a telescope nicknamed the Big … what?
Q3) The project was part of the SETI project: in other Words, part of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial … what?
Q4) The signal’s frequency was roughly 1420 Mhz.   In other words, that of which gas?
Q5) Finally … ?   The signal appeared to come from which constellation: Sagittarius, Cassiopeia or Ursa Minor?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Town status was granted to what’s now Düsseldorf: on 14th July, 1288.   The city’s in what’s now which country … ?
A1) Germany.
Q2) 14th August, 1916, saw Romania declare war on where: Germany, Austria-Hungary or Japan?
Q3) 14th August, 2015, saw the US Embassy, where, re-open?
A3) Cuba.
Q4) 14th August, 1969, saw British troops sent where: the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar or Northern Ireland?
Q5) Finally … ?   Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt sign the Atlantic Charter: on 14th August of which year?
A5) 1941.
Here’s a thought …
“There is simply too little data to draw many conclusions.”
Jerry R. Ehman, the astronomer who found the Wow signal.
A video …

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I have to admit, it went well, Olga.   Although someone got a little frustrated at Sonic the Hedgehog Two.   Mentioning no names, here!   To be fair, Jude DID find a hidden level I didn’t know about!
And, yes, I heard about that chap: the climber.   Or someone similar, anyway, whose did the equivalent of climbing Everest!
I’ve heard the same stories, as well.   One from a man I worked with, at KFC: who’s been a school child around the turn of the century.   Speaking personally, it’s something I’ve always seen as child abuse … 
Hang on, Olga, you?   Clumsy?   Never!   (He says, laying on the schmooze!)
As for Karen Carpenter … ?   The one good thing we can take from her death is the simple fact that — here in the UK — it boosted the awareness of anorexia.

†        You know, I think I remember seeing that fort on Connections, Trevor: the old James Burke show.   I might just have to look that one up … 

‡        You’re not wrong, there, Debbi.   About the only upside is it made people more aware of anorexia.   Unfortunately?   There’s websites about it … 


  1. Q1) 1977
    Q2) The Big Ear radio telescope
    Q3) Intelligence
    Q4) Hydrogen
    Q5) Sagittarius
    I agree with your assessment. Definitely child abuse to try anything to make a child write with the right hand. I am not only clumsy but terrible at games, but I guess I've never dedicated them a lot of time. (I used to be very competitive when playing games as a young child. Now, I don't really care an iota, that I know can be frustrating for others).
    Here it was a bit cloudy yesterday, but no rain as such. And none forecasted.

  2. A1 1877
    A2 Ear
    A3 Intelligence ( because there is none on Earth)
    A4 Hydrogen
    A5 Sagittarius

    I think I need a new heart. Watching the 2 semi finals of the Snooker was certainly nerve-racking.

    Here is the Wikipedia page on the oldest of the 2 forts at Tilbury. It certainly looks like a fort.

  3. mum
    Ursa Minor

  4. It's wild listening to the Wow Signal. I mean, wow! :)

    1. 1977
    2. Ear (The Big Ear sounds like something from Monty Python. Or the Goon Show. Or Douglas Adams. Or Terry Pratchett. Or ... Doctor Who? No! :))
    3. Intelligence
    4. hydrogen
    5. Sagittarius


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