
Saturday 12 September 2020

Altered States — A Review

12th September, 2020.

OK: for those who’ve actually watched my intro video, there?

I think we can safely say a couple of things.


I’ve reached a conclusion.

It’s possible to watch a film, AND do a Max Headroom, impression in the same evening.

And, yes: in case you were wondering.

It’s the first time I’ve sat down with a movie, in quite a while.


Right now, it’s rather late.

I MAY start this now.

But finish the write up in the morning.

At any rate … ?

You’ll have possibly guessed from the poster: that I’ve seen the 1980, Ken Russell directed, William Hurt vehicle: Altered States.

It’s been years since I saw it last … and it’s … interesting … 


Altered States opens by slowly pulling away from the face of Edward Jessup (William Hurt*): a psychology researcher investigating various ways of treating schizophrenia.

Including using various hallucinogens, combined with sensory depravation.

It’s only when he and his wife, Emily (Blair Brown), begin working at Harvard, that Eddie decides to head for Mexico: some of the tribes have access to interesting substances that could be used in treatment.

It’s only back in the lab?

That he and his co-workers, Arthur and Mason (Bob Balaban and Charles Haid†) find the their Mexican drug … ?

Isn’t quite as benign as they think … 


Now … 

What did I make of Altered States?   Especially as it’s been some twenty or more years since I saw it last.

I enjoyed it.

Granted, I think the effects are taking their cues from 2001’s Star Gate sequence: and some of the dialogue is a touch hokey.

But, on the whole?

Altered States has aged well: and keep my interest all evening.

I’d say it’s worth watching: even if it’s not as modern as it could be!

Altered States

*        Looking, I have to say, like a young Steve Jobs.   Unless, of course, Steve Jobs looked like a young William Hurt.

Steve Jobs

William Hurt
†        Otherwise known as Officer Andy Renko, from Hill Street Blues.

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