
Thursday 10 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10-9-2020: The X Files.

10th September, 2020.

Right, it’a officially the case: I have an official eye check-up, today*.

I’m diabetes, if you didn’t know: which means I have to have my eyes checked on a regular basis.

Diabetes can turn you blind, if you’re not careful.

Frankly?   I’m not looking forward to it.

But, considering how important it is?

Well, needs much, an’ all that.


You’re possibly aware I’ve written a couple of pieces for the local radio station’s website.

I’ve now written a third.

You can find that, here.

Let me know if it makes sense, folks!


Just as a final thought?

The trailer for Dune, part one, is now out.

And makes the film look halfway decent.

I think I’d like to see this at the cinema: it looks impressive …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Trevor‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 10th September saw the airing of the first episode of The X-Files.   In which year?
Q2) The show was created by whom: Rod Serling, Chris Carter or Gene Roddenberry?
Q3) The show’s about Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.   A pair of special agents for whom?
Q4) Who plays Fox Mulder?
Q5) Who plays Dana Scully?
Q6) Mitch Pileggi played the pair’s much put upon boss.   What was his name?
Q7) In the first series, Mulder and Scully were helped by an ambiguous character played by Jerry Hardin.   What was that character called?
Q8) That character was replaced by one played by Steven Williams.   Called what?
Q9) William B. Davis played the Cigarette Smoking Man.   Also known as C. G. B. Spender … and what else … ?
Q10) Finally … ?   Mulder and Scully were helped and hindered — and occasionally lusted after, in Dana Scully’s case — by John Fitzgerald Byers, Melvin Frohike and Richard ‘Ringo’ Langley: collectively known as whom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Which city was named after George Washington: on 9th September, 1791?
A1) Washington DC.
Q2) The first computer bug was found by ace programmer, Grace Hopper: on 9th September, 1947.   In a computer at which American university?
A2) Harvard.   (It was a moth that got into the work, and got fried on a transistor.)
Q3) Dubai’s Metro system went into operation on 9th September, 2009.   Where is Dubai: Saudia Arabia, the United Arab Emirates or Bahrain?
A3) The United Arab Emirates, or UAE.
Q4) Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis was born on 9th September, 1585.   He’s better known as Cardinal … who?
A4) Cardinal Richelieu.
Q5) Finally … ?   9th September, 1948, saw the founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.   Is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea better known as North Korea or South Korea?
Here’s a quote …
“The Truth is out there.”
The phrase seen on the show’s opening credits.

And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The sunglasses?   Are something the surgery’s advised.   They have to use eyedrops on my eyes: to make my pupils dilate.   That way?   They can see more of my eyes.   The sunglasses are for on the way home: to stop sun glare turning me temporarily blind.

†        Yeah, there’s a few options, Olga: macOS does it during start-up and close.   But, just like Windows, you can get extra apps to do it.   Oh, both Debbi and I can do permissions repairs, as well.   And Trevor makes a very good point, which I should have made clearer: Defraggler defrags your drive, CCleaner clears up the cr*p!   It’s possibly a handy one to get, as well!
As a thought?   If you can replace your main drive with an SSD, a solid state drive, that’s possibly also an idea.   They’re a lot faster.   That’s going to involve an engineer, though!
Actually, Olga … have you checked the fans on your laptop?   It’s amazing how much dust builds up in them!

‡        Yeah … soot can do more damage than you think, Trevor!   The same with dust.   I helped a neighbour with a laptop, a few years ago: it was over-heating, a lot.   He wanted to cover it in thermal paste.
Turns out the fan was clogged up with dust …
(Which reminds me, I need to check out my MacPro’s graphics card: the fan on the damn thing is seriously noisy!)

^        Thankfully?   Thankfully, Debbi the Youtube ones seem to have stopped.   I had a scam email slip through my email filters, yesterday.   Thankfully, I didn’t click on the link it was waving at me.   The thing claimed to come from a reputable poll company called IPSOS MORI.   It’s only when I thought ‘Hang on, these things usually ask you to fill in an online HTTPS form, rather than through a VPN app,’ that I twigged!   Phew!   (Oh, how did my article look, Debbi?   It surprised me how many readers it got.)


  1. Q1) 1993
    Q2) Chris Carter
    Q3) FBI
    Q4) David Duchovny
    Q5) Gillian Anderson
    Q6) Walter Skinner
    Q7) Deep Throat
    Q8) X
    Q9) CSM, C-Man or Cancer Man
    Q10) The Lone Gunmen
    My cousin replaced my hard drive for an SSD a while back and it did make a difference at the time. As you know, my computer is getting long on the tooth, but I didn't have a problem with your blog today either. It might have been a temporary thing but I'll check (the problem is that some Apps end up slowing the computer more than helping).
    Great work on the article and I hope the check-up today goes well.

  2. Good luck with the Retinal scanning. I normally have it done once a year. After a few years of having the drops put in your eyes your eyes get used to it.

    First time I had it done they put the drops in at about 10.00 and my eye sight was blurry until after teatime.

    Now due to my eye surgery I have to go to Brentwood Community Hospital to have it done by a doctor and a special machine. With covid-19 I am well over due this year's test.

  3. Teatime!!!!!


    At ANY rate, Trevor, the blurriness isn’t that bad.

    I do know I’ve got the curtains closed, though: the sunshine seems a lot brighter than it needs to be!

  4. She steels herself to type all ten answers. :)

    Good luck with the eye exam.

    1. 1993
    2. Chris Carter
    3. the FBI
    4. David Duchovny
    5. Gillian Anderson
    6. Walter Skinner
    7. Deep Throat
    8. Mr. X
    9. Cancer Man
    10. the Lone Gunmen


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I’d appreciate you* leaving your name — with a link to your website or social-media profile†, for preference — before you post a comment.

Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

Contentious, actionable or abusive posts left anonymously will not be posted. Nor will comments using offensive pseudonyms or language, or that are abusive of other commenters.

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*   I know many value their online privacy. I respect that. But hope you respect my wish to see who’s commenting on my blog: and my wish for you to introduce your self to me, and to your fellow commentors.

†   Your Facebook, X/Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn profile are acceptable. I also like seeing folks webpages.