
Sunday 20 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th September, 2020.

20th September, 2020.

Yes: I’m up later than usual.

I think it’s the oncoming of autumn: the nights drawing in, the sun’s getting lower … the weather is cooler.

At least, the weather’s cooler … in theory!

I have to admit, this September’s been quite summery.

I think we can blame global warming, there.


Hmmm … 

Right … I have to ALSO admit, I’m at the very early planning stages for my next piece for PhoenixFM.

It’s going to hopefully be about Brentwood’s long since gone cinema.

I just need to check on a couple of points.

I want to make sure that I can also write about video piracy.

I need to hang the piece on something.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Trevor scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)   20th September, 2019, saw approximately four million people protest against climate change.   Which Swedish activist was involved?

Q2)   20th September, 1957, saw the birth of New Zealand musician, Alannah Currie.   Which 80s band did she find fame with?

Q3)   20th September, 1962, saw the birth of scientist and TV presenter, Jim Al-Khalili.   He’s a what: applied mathematician, theoretical physicist or organic chemist?

Q4)   Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth 2 liner was launched on 20th September, 1967.   Who launched her?

Q5)   Finally … ?   20th September, 1977, saw which country admitted to the UN?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)   It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day.   Which ‘F’ is another term for a pirate?

A1)   Freebooter.

Q2)   Sir Francis Drake was a commercial pirate: who worked for the English crown, under a Letter of Marque.   In other words, he was a … what?

A2)   A privateer.

Q3)   Pirate Bay — and other similar sites — let you pirate films: using which ‘T’?

A3)   Torrents: or Torrent files. (I’ll also accept torrent clients.)

Q4)   Captain Jack Sparrow appears in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.   Who plays Captain Jack Sparrow?

A4)   Johnny Depp.

Q5)   Finally … ?   Corsair is another word for pirate.   The Corsair car was made by the UK version of which car company?

A5)   Ford.

Here’s a thought …

“For me, I think the greatest achievements of science is to allow humanity to realize that our world is comprehensible.”

Jim Al-Khalili, born 20th September, 1962.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Bad food, Olga?   I’m not surprised, schools, everywhere, like cutting corners!   And I’m now getting images of cheese filled chocolates!   At ANY rate?   The tablet should have parental controls switched on: so it’s possibly worth checking to if any links you share can be added to the things list of safe sites.   Mine included, actually, if you use the blog.   I don’t think I’ve anything too unsuitable, but I’m never sure what’s going to go down well!   (It’s not just the audio/video elements that can cause issues: I’m juggling different formatting!)

†        Got to admit, Trevor, torrent streamings a new one on me: it’s possibly worth exploring, for the upcoming article.   At any rate … ?   Mastermind’s a bit too challenging, I find: University Challenge’s is about my level … Now did you mean croquet or crochet?   Because I can never find left handed crochet-hooks.   (Oh, tomorrow’s a ten question numbers set, so you know.   I didn’t know if you saw my message!)

‡        I’d imagine the bats could be interesting, Debbi!   Actually … you get a mention in the video for the 29th September: in the answers section!   I’ll try and flag it up for you.   Oh, it’s a ten question set, tomorrow: just so you know.   Just so you know, Debbi: Tor’s an ultra secure browser.   You can use it to download torrent files, and get to various places on the dark web, but it’s still a browser, rather than a torrent client … um …


  1. Q1) Greta Thunberg
    Q2) Thompson Twins
    Q3) A theoretical physicist
    Q4) Queen Elizabeth II (surprisingly enough, not).
    Q5) Vietnam
    I've seen the comment about crochet (I like to crochet although in the summer, depending on what you're working on, it can get too hot), and I follow a You-tube channel on crocheting that regularly shares left-hand versions of their instruction. It seems you just hold the crochet hook as you would a pencil, in case you are thinking about taking it up...
    I'll investigate the issue of the tablet further. The girl likes crosswords, for sure, not so sure about quizzes, and her vocabulary is a bit hit-and-miss, but perhaps as we progress we'll get there.
    Good luck with the article, and I'm not sure what copywriting job you were talking about, but good luck if you decide to go for it.

  2. A1 Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (should have been strangled at birth)
    A2 Thompson Twins
    A3 theoretical physicist
    A4 Queen Elizabeth II
    A5 Vietnam

    Almost time for the first of the Premier League soccer matches being broadcast today. First 3 on Sky sports and last one on BBC 1.


  3. Okay. It's been ages since library school, when I kind of scratched the surface of the Internet, so to speak. :) I try to keep learning.

    1. Greta Thunberg
    2. Thompson Twins
    3. theoretical physicist
    4. Queen Elizabeth II
    5. Djibouti

    I'll pull myself together for the 10-question set. Um ...


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