
Monday 7 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-9-2020: The Boxer Rebellion

7th September, 2020.

Right … 

I’ve officially finished the last bit of laundry.

And … ?

I’ve reached the conclusion that regular Old Peculiar reader, Nina, has a good point.

Boiling washing you teatowels, occasionally, helps.

Long story, before you ask.

All I need now?

Is a separate pot to wash them in.

If anyone’s got £30 going spare, I’d appreciate hearing about it!

So would Amazon!


At any rate: if you’ve seen today’s video introduction?

I’ve got — or had — a song playing around my head, all morning.

And, post Mandalorian?

It’s got a Baby Yoda remix … 

Hey ho!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 7th September saw the end of the Boxer Rebellion.   In which year?
Q2) It ended with the signing of the Boxer … what?
Q3) The Rebellion was rebelling against the Qing Empire.   In other words, the country that’s now where?
Q4) In their native language, the Boxers called themselves the Yìhéquán.   In other words, the Society of Righteous Harmoniouswhat?   (There’s a couple of varying translations: so I’ll be a little forgiving on this one.)
Q5) Finally … ?   The Boxers were called boxers, because they practised various forms of what: cheese making, martial arts or meditation?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 6th September, 1642, saw Parliament ban what: plays, sex or pies?
A1) Plays.
Q2) 6th September, 1991, saw Russia’s Parliament approve the name change of which city?
A2) Leningrad’s: now known under it’s original name, Saint Petersburg.   (The change became effective on 1st October, 1991.   At one point, it was also known as Petrograd.)
Q3) 6th September, 1879, saw the birth of Max Schreck.   In which film did he play Count Orlok?
A3) Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens: also known as Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror … and Nosferatu.
Q4) 6th September, 1913, saw the birth of footballer, Leônidas.   Which national side did he play for: Argentina, Brazil or Chile?
A4) Brazil.
Q5) Finally … ?   6th September, 1970, saw the birth of singer, Cheyne Coates.   She was the singer with which duo?
Here’s a thought …
“In March 1898, the Boxers started to agitate the population in the streets with the slogan ‘Uphold the Qing, destroy foreigners!’”
From the Wikipedia page about the Boxers.
A film …

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Glad to be able to help, Olga.   iMovie can do the same sort of thing with movies: include text, images … and video clips, as well.   I’ve also got a separate iMovie event: that I store regularly used clips and animations.   I’m not sure you’b be able to do the same thing in Movie Maker, but something similar should be possible.

†        Trouble with using the SAS on XR, Trevor?   You’d end up with troops on the street.   It’d be Peterloo all over again!   (So you know in advance, Trevor?   I’ve a ten questions numbers set on the 21st.   It goes back to normal on the 22nd, though!)

‡        It was a hell of a loss, Debbi!   (Oh, remember me mentioning Instagram romance scammers?   They seem to have stopped.   Now I’m getting spam comments on the Youtube channel!   Oy, Veh!   Which reminds me, I may have something for Rick … )

^        I’ve also found the Coates choreographed dances routines in the Madison Avenue videos to be vaguely menacing.   The same goes for the back beat.   I couldn’t tell you why … 


  1. Q1) 1901
    Q2) Protocol
    Q3) China
    Q4) Fists
    Q5) Martial arts
    I'll investigate further on the video front. I loved the video with Baby Yoda (I haven't got hold of the Mandalorian yet, but love Baby Yoda... Well, I've always loved Yoda, but as a baby he's adorable). I didn't dare to watch the other one because I remember doing that once and getting stuck with the song for several days... Boiling teatowels...

  2. A1 1901
    A2 Boxer Protocol
    A3 China
    A4 Fists
    A5 martial arts

  3. Well, good luck warding off the spam. I try to ignore anything I don't recognize.

    1. 1901
    2. Protocol
    3. China
    4. Fists
    5. martial arts


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