
Thursday 12 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-11-2020: The Number Twelve

12th November, 2020.

Right … 

I’ve had news … !

My landlord’s Digital Futures team has approved the loan of a laptop for me: so that I can do the ECDL course that starts on the 25th.


That’s a relief!


On the door front?

Remember, that we need the building’s door handle, and a security bar, fitted?

And that the repairs had been re-scheduled for the 20th?

Well, I got the phone call, yesterday: it’s been rescheduled, again … for the 19th!

Oy veh … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, David^, Debbiª and Edithº, putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor, David and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        It’s the 12th November. Is twelve odd or even?

Q2)        What’s twelve: in Roman numerals?

Q3)        What’s twelve: in binary?

Q4)        Which one’s noon: 12am or 12pm?

Q5)         Which one’s midnight: 12am or 12pm?

Q6)        Twelve is the atomic number of which metal: iron, magnesium or manganese?

Q7)        A group of twelve items is a ‘D.’   Which ‘D?’   (It’d not Little D, Debbi!)

Q8)        Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis and Madeleine Stow appeared in which Terry Gilliam film: 12 Monkeys, Brazil or Tidelands?

Q9)        You will immediately lose a game, if you roll twelve.   In which dice game?

Q10)        Finally? There were thirteen people sat at King Arthur’s Round Table.   King Arthur himself: plus twelve what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        11th November is Armistice Day: marking the end of World War One.   In which year?
A1)        1918.

Q2)        It’s also known — in many Commonwealth countries — as what Day?
A2)        Remembrance Day.

Q3)        Name any one of the six main powers who signed the Armistice.
A3)        France, the UK, Russia, Italy, Japan or the United States of America.

Q4)        Name any one of the four Central powers who signed the Armistice.
A4)        Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire or Bulgaria.   (As a note? I won’t accept Turkey as an answer: as it didn’t exist until after World War One.)

Q5)        Finally, and traditionally?   Many in the UK will mark the end of World War One and Two, on Remembrance … what
A5)        Remembrance Sunday: it’s the nearest Sunday to the 11th: this year, it was held on the 8th November. 
Here’s a thought …
“We spend the first twelve months of our children’s lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up.”
Phylis Diller.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m hoping they will, Olga: there’s always quirks with new software, and when it’s juggling a lot of balls?  Well!
Small form factor computers can be a very good buy: I know I’ve gone a couple of posts from friends front rooms: with Bruce, my Mac mini, hooked up to a spare monitor.   (I’ve still got him: on my immediate right.)
A mini can be a good buy, if that’s something you’re looking at: you’d need to factor in a mouse, keyboard and monitor, but they do save space!

†        Sounds like fun, Trevor.   Just as a pointless piece of trivia, in Spain, Friday 13th isn’t as unlucky as Tuesday 13th.   Neither are a problem in Italy: where Friday 17th’s the unlucky day.   We have Olga to thank for those.
Good luck if you DO try this lot!

‡        Hello, Mum!   (I know it’s a long set, today, Mum, but the numbers questions are usually worth a guess!)

^        Morning, again, David!   Now … should we start singing this?

ª        Oh, TELL me about it, Debbi!   I shut down Katie, last night, and she said good night, last night!   That was a first!
(I’ve not upgrade to Big Sur, just yet: as it’s not rolled out to my update system.   but The default wallpaper looks a bit … you know … loud!)

º        That reminds, me, Edith, I need to get tomatoes!   (Oh, the numbers questions are usually worth a guess, if that’s any help!   Now … did I mention I give my computers, names?)


  1. Q1) Even
    Q2) XII
    Q3) 1100
    Q4) 12pm
    Q5) 12 am
    Q6) Magnesium
    Q7) Dozen
    Q8) 12 Monkeys
    Q9) Craps
    Q10) Knights
    I already use a keyboard and a mouse because I didn't like the keyboard included in the laptop (although I changed the settings I didn't find it ideal for my fingers and I spend a lot of time writing on it anyway), so that would be a given. I'll give it some thought. As I try not to travel with my computer (well, travelling at the moment is out of the question anyway) if I can help it, it might be an option. I'd probably try to have a laptop for work if necessary, but not using it as my main computer and buying a smaller one might work better.
    Well, I guess the 19th is better than the 20th. Let's hope if they change the date again it is to move it forward. Fingers crossed for the course!

  2. A1 Even
    A2 XII
    A3 1100
    A4 12pm
    A5 12am
    A6 magnesium
    A7 Dozen
    A8 12 Monkeys .. it is Madeleine Stowe by the way.
    A9 Craps
    A10 Knights

    I did think that with the number 12 you would have used 12 Questions.
    Answer 7 reminds me of a Baker’s Dozen which was 13.
    The Hexadecimal of 12 is C and most main frame programmers are more likely to use Hex instead of Binary.
    Back in the mid 1960’s the first computer that I programmed we used the Octal numbering system and 12 is 14 in Octal.

  3. 1 Even
    2 didnt do that at school
    4 12pm
    5 12am
    6 Iron
    7 Dozen
    8 12 Monkeys
    9 ?
    10 Knights

  4. Well, with any luck, I'll be updating my own soon.

    1. even
    2. XII
    3. 1100
    4. 12 pm
    5. 12 am
    6. magnesium
    7. dozen (oh, ho ho ho!)
    8. 12 Monkeys
    9. craps
    10. knights

    Nice to know that Little D made such an impression! :)

    There's a mention of Bill in my next Random & Sundry blog post. :)

  5. 1.even
    4.12 PM
    5.12 AM
    6. Magnesium
    7. Dozen
    8 12 Monkeys
    10. knights

    No, Paul, you didn't say that you named your computers. How do you feel your naming of the computers affects how you interact with them?


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