
Wednesday 25 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th November, 2020.

25th November, 2020.

It’s official: stuff’s happening.

At least, stuff in general is happening.

On a personal front … ?

I have still not managed to take the laptop out of the box.

Basically, I’m waiting for my tutor to get back to me to let me know what’s happening.

I can then get in touch with my landlord’s Digital Futures team, to see what we can do about it.

I can only hope that’s soon.

Or, at least, get’s done before my orders from Amazon* turn up.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor†, OlgaMum^ Edithª and Debbiº putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        25th November, 1915, saw who presenting a set of equations to the Prussian Science Academy?

Q2)        The same day, 25th November, 1915, saw the birth of General Augusto Pinochet: Pinochet led a junta that ruled which South American country … ?

Q3)        Suriname became independent from the Netherlands: on 25th November, 1975.   Suriname is on which continent: North American, South America or Europe?

Q4)        When he was still Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict 16th was named to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on 25th November, 1981.   The Congregation is also known as the Holy Office, and formerly know as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal what?

Q5)        Finally … ?   25th November is the feast day of Saint Catherine of Alexandria.   Most of us will know of the firework named for her.   Which firework?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        24th November, 1877, saw the original publication of Black Beauty.   Who wrote Black Beauty?
A1)        Anna Sewell.

Q2)        Black Beauty is a what: elephant, hedgehog or horse?
A2)        Horse.

Q3)        The first film version of Black Beauty was released in which year: 1917, 1921 or 1946?
A3)        Believe it or not, 1917: it was called Your Obedient Servant.   (The director, Edward H. Griffith, also directed the 1921 version.)

Q4)        Which former Goon published a version of Black Beauty in 1993?
A4)        The late great Terence Arthur Spike Milligan.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Black Beauty led to the banning of what was called the bearing rein.   The bearing rein caused problems with an animal’s what: spine, eyes or ears?
A5)        The spine.
Here’s a thought …
“I started dancing before I could talk. Other babies learn to stand and then walk - I just danced.”
Bruno Tonioli, born 25 November 1955.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ve got a very large pot, and some underwear, on order.   Obviously, I’m planning on wearing the underwear.   Believe it or not?   I’m planning to boil wash my teatowels with the cooking pot.   The washing machine does’t get everything!

†        They can make the regeneration scenes a bit emotional, Trevor: far more so than the original series did.

‡        I’m sure you’re right, there, Olga: unfortunately, the Wikipedia page doesn’t get any more specific than 1993.   Unless I’ve missed something.   I’ve got a reputation for it!
At any rate?   I’m planning to take the blessed laptop out of the box: when my tutor contacts me, to tell me what needs doing, I can at least be ready to try.   Then I can let my landlord know what’s going on.
And, boy, don’t get me started on interviews … !   Four different potential interviews … needing four different extensions!   What ever happened to just phoning?

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        Communication, Edith?   I think we all need to do that, better!   :D   Hmmm … Would keeping an eye on the various news sites help, on the current events front?   I don’t know where it’s aired in the US, but the BBC’s Beyond 100 Days is good.   (I love the show’s Wikipedia entry: you have to love an entry that’s got a section called Frivolity!)

º       Glad to hear it, Debbi!   :D   Oh, did you see the original Wonder Woman movie?   With Gal Gadot?   Turns out the second one’s getting a Christmas Day release, in the US: in theatres, AND streaming by HBO.   I just like the version of Blue Monday they’re using in the trailer!   (Apparently, Gal Gadot was pregnant during the filming of the first one.   It’s amazing what you can do with blue screen!)


  1. 1 Einstein

    2 Argentina
    3 South America
    4 Church
    5 Catherine Wheel

  2. A1 Albert Einstein
    A2 Chile
    A3 South America
    A4 Inquisition
    A5 Catherine wheel or pinwheel

    The minute I see Inquisition I think of Monty Python and nobody expecting the Spanish Inquisition.

    I also remember Catherine wheels which were not secured correctly flying every where at our Bonfire nights in the back garden.

  3. Q1) Albert Einstein
    Q2) Chile
    Q3) South America
    Q4) Inquisition
    Q5) Catherine Wheel
    Here is the link to the book and as it refers to the first edition, it seems it is 1996. Just saying...
    In case you want a signed version...
    I hope things get sorted out. I know you don't give up easily, so...
    Wish me luck. We're doing a review of exam papers today and the girl has another test tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

  4. It is amazing.

    1. Albert Einstein
    2. Chile
    3. South America
    4. Inquisition (I wasn't expecting that! :) )
    5. Catherine wheel

  5. 1.Einstein
    2. Argentina
    3. South America
    4. Religion
    5. Sparkler

    Thank you, Paul. Sound good. I'll look into it.


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