
Sunday 15 November 2020

Star Trek Discovery — Series 3 Episode 2 — Far from Home — A Review

14th November, 2020.

Right … 

It’s a Saturday night: and I’ve just spent the past few minutes, filling in forms on the NHS website.

No, I’m, not going to tell you why: frankly, I’d prefer to keep that one to myself.

It’s one of those rare, slightly embarrassing ones.

And, believe me, there’s not much that embarrasses me!

At any rate … ?

It’s Saturday: and I’ve just seen another episode of Star Trek: Discovery, Series three.

More tomorrow, folks!


15th November, 2020.

Right … it have to be said, I’m back … form dinner with my family … 

Which was rather nice: even though it did involve talking about the sad death of Des O’Connor.

Thoughtfully thinking … 

Well … all sorts: but mostly telling you about last night’s TV would be a good idea.

Yes: and as I’ve said last night?

I’ve seen episode two of Star Trek: Discovery’s third series.


Episode 2 — Far from Home — summarises the end of Season 2: from the view point of the USS Discovery, itself.

The pre-title sequence for the episode … ?

Showing us (temporary) Captain Saru (Doug Jones) and the rest of the crew slowly coming round in a failing ship: on a crash course for an asteroid … that courses the ship to crash on a nearby inhabited planet.

One that Ensign Tilly (Mary Wiseman) tells Saru, is inhabited.

By intelligent life … 

By intelligent life that could well have Rubindium the crew needs to carry out a lot of vital repairs … 

There’s only one option: much to the disgust of Section 31 member, Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh).

Make first contact with the planets inhabitants … whilst avoiding any trouble … 


Now … what did I make of this episode … ?

Hmm … 

I’ve had Far from Home on for the second time: whilst I’ve been writing this review.

When I watched it, last night?

I wasn’t necessarily stunned by the episode.

I honestly couldn’t tell you why, either: I suspect my ever murky mood had something to do with it.

Going through it, again, tonight … ?

Was a far better experience, to be honest.

Saying that … ?

Saying that, I’m thinking that That Hope Is You — the first episode of series three, and the one I saw last week — is the better episode.

It’s certainly the more optimistic, I think.

With that said?   Far from Home is still a good episode: possibly one with a telegraphed happy ending, but certainly one that’s adding to the world building, and has reunited the crew.


I’ll be watching another episode next week.

I hope you’d care to join me.

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