
Tuesday 22 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd December, 2020

22nd December, 2020

Yes: I had a ’Flu jab on Saturday.

And, it has to be said … I feel lovely.

For a given value of lovely, obviously!

Tired, achey, a mild headache.

And an upper right arm that feels like its been stabbed.

Which it has, obviously!


I realise it could be worse.

I could have the real flu … !


Bleugh … !


I’m assuming you like the occasional movie?

You, like me, will be aware Warner Brothers is planning a dual release for many of its COVID delayed films, in 2021.

In as many cinemas as possible, and on US streaming service, HBO Max.

Warner Brothers will give Wonder Woman 1984 just such a joint US release on 25th December, this year.

And gave it a theatrical release to the rest of us.

Despite being critically acclaimed, it seems Wonder Woman 1984 is not doing as well as expected.

I think Warner Brother has possibly made a mistake.

Not in the dual release in the US: the size of the US market means a dual release should make some cash.

I think Warner’s mistake is in not dual releasing the film in the rest of the world.

I know arranging the licensing rights is a legal minefield.

But not doing that?

Well … we can see what’s happening.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Edith^ and Debbiª  putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out five, Edith on three and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Vespasian was named as Roman Emperor: on 22nd December of which year?

Q2)        Asteroid 323 Brucia was discovered on 22nd December, 1891.  It was the first to be discovered how: photographically, by radar or sonar?

Q3)        Which Berlin landmark re-opened: on 22nd December, 1989?

Q4)        22nd December, 1962, saw the birth of actor, Ralph Fiennes.   He played Lord Victor Quartermaine in which animated movie?

Q5)        Finally … ?   22nd December, 69AD, saw the death of Roman Emperor, Vitellius. Who replaced him as Emperor?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st December saw the airing of the first Dr Who episode to feature the Daleks: albeit in a limited way.   In which year?
A1)        1963.

Q2)        The seven part serial is usually called The Daleks.   What was that first episode called: The Dead Planet, The Survivors or The Escape?
A2)        The Dead Planet.

Q3)        What’s the Dalek’s home world: Telos, Mondas or Skaro?
A3)        Skaro. (Telos and Mondas are the home worlds of the Cybermen.)

Q4)        According to a 1975 Dr Who story called Genesis of The Daleks, the Daleks are a mutated version of which (fictional) species?
A4)        The Kaleds.

Q5)        Which writer wrote this first Dalek story?
A5)        Terry Nation.
Here’s a thought … 
“Lay not the axe to the Kingdom.”
Guru Govind Singh, the Tenth Sikh Guru, 22 December 1666 – 7 October 1708.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, the lockdown!   Don’t get me started on the Lockdown, Olga!   I think ‘moveable feast’ is possibly a good term: given the way the rules change!   At the moment, though?   Brentwood’s in Tier 4.   If you’re meeting someone out side your social bubble, you have to meet outside.   Non-essential shops, beauty parlours and hairdressers, are shut: so my haircut’s going to have to wait!   Quite what’s happening with public transport, I really don’t know!
As for technology?   Keeping the eyes open is always good!   (I’m going to make my usual point,  whatever you get: buying an external drive for backing up, is important!   Oh … and getting things with Thunderbolt ports is possibly worth thinking about.   Unlike USB, HDML or Ethernet, it lets you daisy chain stuff.)

†        Morning, Trevor!   I like the Dalek jumper!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        It’s amazing what you find out, if you know a few musicians, Edith¹!   I used to work at a local pub with a live music venue in the back bar.   The bands weren’t necessarily well known: but the gigs, and the bands, were a hell of a lot of fun!   I was there, when the Motel Kings recorded Alright, All Night: The Crawl is a fantastic tune!   (Cheers for the Sonny and Cher song!)

ª        Oh, it’s one of those situations, Debbi¹?   Have you heard the phrase, RTFM?   Read The Fine Manualº?   You have to love it when they don’t included one!   Oh, I don’t know if Thames Delta Blues is up your street, Debbi, but the LP I’ve shown Edith is superb!   Nick and the gang were on form that night: I know, I was there!   (It’s a shame Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts never recorded at the Essex Arms, they were another great live act!)

º        That’s the polite version … !

¹        Thats a thought, Debbi, Edith.   BBC Radio 4’s doing a version of Barack Obama’s A Promised Land.   It’s fascinating, and on BBC Sounds: you should be able to listen to that, if you’re interested.


  1. A1 69 AD
    A2 photography.
    A3 Brandenburg Gate
    A4 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
    A5 Vespasian

    The Dalek sweatshirt was one of this years Christmas presents. Penny had it sent to me directly from the online shop. When I first described it to her she was a bit disappointed that it was a snowman Dalek and not a real Dalek but now that she has seen pictures of me wearing it she is very happy with it. Yesterday seemed the right day to wear it for the first time.

  2. Q1) AD 69
    Q2) Photographically
    Q3) The Brandenburg Gate
    Q4) Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
    Q5) Vespasian. (Is this one to check that we’re paying attention?)
    I'm taking note of the Thunderbolt port as well.

  3. 1 59AD
    2 Photographically
    3 Brandenburg Gate
    4 ?

  4. Interesting. Just goes to show how big audio storytelling has become! But, in the UK, you knew that, right? Didn't the Hitchhiker's Guide start as a radio show? :)

    1. 69
    2. photographically
    3. the Brandenburg Gates
    4. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (great movie, BTW)
    5. Titus

    I'm familiar with RTFQ--the impolite version. :)

    BTW, I'm uploading the Crime Cafe episode where I mention going to Brentwood (outside London) and meeting "a reader who I met through blogging" along with "his friend" at around 19:22 on the video.

    I'll try to remember to tag you on Twitter. Your name (just "Paul") is mentioned in the bonus episode with this author. That's only available to Patreon patrons. Sorry about that.

  5. 1.44 AD
    3.The Berlin Wall
    4. Quest For Camalot
    5. Agustus Cesar


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