
Monday 7 December 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-12-2020: International Civil Aviation Day.

7th December, 2020.

Yes: I’ve officially figured out another use for my big pot!

Well … 

No: I haven’t … I’ve out a variation!

I’ve got a bit pot: for boil washing my teatowels.

And it occurred to me that it would be an ideal thing for boil washing my underwear.

Frankly, though?

I’ll need a set of separate long tongs: to fish things out, with.

And possibly specific tongs for my pants.

Just to be on the safe side!


Oh, I’m expecting a call, this morning.

From my landlord’s IT department.

Hopefully?   I’ll be able to get the password from them.

It’d be nice to actually start this course … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edith^ putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        7th December is International Civil Aviation Day.   The UN proclaimed the day in which year of the 1990s?

Q2)        Civil aircraft are unarmed. In other words, they’re aircraft that aren’t which M?

Q3)        Scheduled aircraft usually carry passengers: or which C?

Q4)        The world’s first airline, Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Aktiengesellschaft I or DELAG, flew what: flying boats, Zeppelins or 747s?

Q5)        Finally … ?   What, by total passenger traffic, is London’s busiest airport: Stansted, Gatwick or Heathrow?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        6th December is Constitution Day.   Where: France, Spain or Germany?
A1)        Spain.

Q2)        The Anglo-Irish Treaty was signed on 6th December.   Of which year of the 20th Century?
A2)        1921

Q3)        6th December, 1888, saw the birth of actor, Will Hay.   His film, Oh, Mr Porter, was said to be the UK’s best what: comedy, drama or documentary?
A3)        Comedy.

Q4)        6th December, 2017, saw Donald Trump’s administration announce they were recognising Jerusalem as the capital of where?
A4)        Israel.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Singer and keyboard player, Mike Smith, was born on 6th December, 1943.   He was the singer and keyboard player for which ’60s British band?
A5)        The Dave Clark Five.
Here’s a thought …
“The Plane’s going to Chicago.   The Pilot’s going to New York.   The Passengers are going to Pieces!”
Tag line for Airplane!.
And a playlist … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Sounds like the Spanish Constitution’s a possibly can of worms, Olgaº.   Nothing like Brexit, then!
As for the review … ?   Would filming someone using a technique in the book help?   I’d imagine it would depend on where it’s supposed to be going, I’d imagine!
And is it me … or are there left handed crochet hooks, somewhere … ?

†        That’s social distancing for you Trevorº!   I’m assuming it’s a First bus, though?   I don’t think the NIBS buses go to Shenfield … 
(Should we ask Penny to stand in front of more statues?)

‡        Hello Mumº!

^        As I recall, Debbiº?   Prat is a little ruder than twit … but not quite as rude as twat.   Where it get’s complicated?   Is that Pratt is ALSO a surname.   Wally — a shortened form of the name Walter — is a slang phrase that means ‘Stupid.’   You can see why Walter Henry Pratt changed his name to Boris Karloff, can’t you?
And, yeah, I’ve got a few books to read, myself!   (Oh, I’ve got Down and Out in Paris and London.   Hopefully, there’s a quote or two in there.)

ª        I think you’ll enjoy it, Edithº!   (Oh, I’ve got an Édith Piaf set coming up, soon: I saw the name, and couldn’t help myself!   Apparently, the bandleader at her first professional gig was Django Reinhardt: that’s like having Eric Clapton or Brian May playing guitar on your first YouTube video!)

º        Did everyone give the Dave Brubeck tune a listen, yesterday?   It’s in 7/4 time.   Dear lord, the man likes a funny time signature!


  1. Q1) 1996
    Q2) Military
    Q3) cargo
    Q4) Zeppelins
    Q5) Heathrow
    As for the review, it might, but the author has her own blog, so I guess people can go there for further instructions. Oh, as for the left-handed crochets, I think we've had that conversation before. I told you there are plenty of videos about left-hand crocheting. Here is the most recent, Christmassy one, I got...
    (I can't see a difference, although I assume with the soft handle you can probably turn it around to suit. It's probably like a pen, it can be held in different ways. Even with the metal ones they are flat in the middle (the handle) on both sides, so I assume they can be held in different ways. I'm rather useless with the left hand, so I can't tell you for a fact, but you can give it a try...)
    Here some basic instructions...
    The crochet hook is not the issue, it seems, but the instructions. If it's any consolation, the names of all the stitches and the way the instructions are written are quite different in Spanish as well...

  2. A1 1996
    A2 Military
    A3 Cargo
    A4 Zeppelins
    A5 Heathrow

    Not sure you are ready for this.

    Me posing as I walk along side a Levada in Madeira. They are gentle ways to climb up the side of hills as they convey water down to fields for irrigation.

  3. Dave Brubeck was pretty amazing!

    1. 1994
    2. military
    3. cargo
    4. Zeppelins
    5. Heathrow

    I remember Heathrow. Vaguely. :)

    Oh, I'm reading this book about a woman from Blackpool who ends up working for MI6 after WWII.

    She goes to Washington, DC, to do this job at the request of ... Ian Fleming!

    And all these people kid her about her Lanky accent! It's kind of hilarious. And terrific reading!

    There are frequent references to hot pot. No mention of Marmite! :)

  4. 1. 1997
    2. Military
    3. cargo
    4. Flying boats

    Okay. Thank you. Edith Piaf was so talented. That is a neat story about her.

  5. Drat, I’ve deleted them by accident!

    Mum’s answers were:

    1 1996
    2 Miltary
    3 Cargo
    4 Zeppelins
    5 Heathrow


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