
Sunday 27 December 2020

Star Trek Discovery — Series 3 Episode 8 — The Sanctuary — A Review

26th December, 2020.

Right … 

It’s late enough on a Saturday night: that going to bed has appeal.

On top of that?   My right arm still aches from the ’flu jab I had, this time last week: too much typing’s mildly awkward.

On top of that … ?

The bedtime reading’s getting intriguing.

I’m going through a Arthur Machen collection of weird tales: called The White People and other Weird Tales.

It’s … 

Yes, weird possibly doesn’t cover it.

The couple at the centre of the tale, Edward and Mary Darnell?   Are having strange, unearthly, eldritch and distinctly odd discussions … 

About whether they should buy a new oven, decorate the box room, or have Aunt Marian come to stay with them … !

Weird doesn’t even start … !

At any rate: I’m going to happily finish this post, tomorrow.

Which is when I’ll tell you episode 8 of Star Trek Discovery’s third series … !

27th December, 2020.

Right … it’s officially a day later: and … ?

Frankly, I’m doing dinner.

I’ve got seem rice on the boil: ready to go with some home made goulash that I’ll microwave, as soon as the rice looks done.

Whilst that’s doing … ?

Let me tell you about last night’s episode of season three  Star Trek Discovery … 


Episode 8 — The Sanctuary — starts with the usually summary of previous episodes.

Then shifts … to Emperor Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) receiving medical attention for the intense flashbacks she’s suffering with.

From a Doctor Culber (Wilson Cruz) getting very frustrated at the snottiest patient he’s ever had*.

The scene moves: showing us Commander Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) meeting Book (David Ajala), who’s having issues.

His brother, Kyheem (Ache Hernandez) has sen too a distress signal.

There’s a swarm of alien locusts ravaging crops.

And Osyraa (Janet Kidder†), the leader of the Emerald Chain … ?

Is after Ryn: the Andorian prisoner freed by Michael when she rescued Book.

Things … could get nasty … 


So … 

With Japan’s Tin Drum playing in the background … ?

I’m sitting here wonder whether The Sanctuary is a good episode, or not.

Yes: some of the lines were muffled.

Yes: it seemed a little rushed.

But … ?

Unlike Unification III, The Sanctuary had a fair better mix of action version dialogue for my comfort: something I suspect director — and old Trek hand — Jonathon Frakes has a in.


And setting us up for the next two episodes, Terra Firma parts one and two.


I’ll be watching on 2nd January, 2021.

Staying indoors in what could be some nasty weather.

*        One of the exchanges that stuck in my mind, came from this scene: Philippa says “You don’t scare me, human!”   Doctor Culber replies “I don’t need to. You’re already terrified!”

†        In case the name sounds familiar?   Janet Kidder is the niece of Margot Kidder: who is the Louis Lane!

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