
Friday 1 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-1-2021: New Year’s Day.

1st January, 2021.

It’s officially the case: it’s now 2021.


I can only hope it’s an improvement on 2020.

I know this: I know the Coronavirus is still causing issues.

I think it’s going to be doing that for some months to come.

I’m also aware that the UK has now formally left the EU: something I believe to be the greatest single mistake the country’s ever made, in the process.

Especially given the ongoing talk that Scotland wants it’s independence from the UK, in the wake of the UK collective bad decision.

Good luck, Scotland.


Just as an extra thought on the Brexit front?

You’ll realise the UK’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is a notable Leaver: as his incredible jingoistic claims tell us.

What’s going to embarrass him?

Is the fact his father, Stanley Johnson, has decided to seek French citizenship.

Good for him!

I wish I could do the same.

The UK outside the EU is a disaster waiting to happen.


On a more positive — ish — note?

I’ve now got a new external optical drive: which is working well enough.

And … ?

I’ve managed to make some spaghetti sauce for dinner.

And successfully change the recipe: adding more stock, and adding flour as a thickening agent later than I originally did.

About the only flaw?   I forgot to add the garlic I’d bought!

That’s was silly: but at least it means I have a little more experience, for the next time I do chilli con carne


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Debbi‡ and Edith^ and putting in their answers: with Olga scoring twelve out of twelve, Debbi on eleven, Mum on ten and Edith on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        It’s New Year’s Day.   The Ancient Romans dedicated New’s Day to which god: Mars, Apollo or Janus?

Q2)        The final of the PDC’s World Professional Darts Championship is usually held on New Year’s Day. Where: Alexandra Palace, Westminster Abbey or Lakeside?

Q3)        New Year’s Day will see many pictures published of Baby New Year.   He’s usually represent wearing which S: a scarf, single shoe or sash?

Q4)        North Korea celebrates New Year’s Day on which date?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Rosh Hashanah is the New Year Celebration: in which religion?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        January saw the government of New South Wales, Australia, declare a State of Emergency.   In response to what: SARS-CoV-2, rabies or bushfires?
A1)        Bushfires.   (SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes Covid-19. So you know …)

Q2)        February?   The World Health Organisation name the disease that’s dominated 2020.   What is that disease?
A2)        Covid-19.   (It’s usually styled COVID-19.   It’s also informally called the Coronavirus)

Q3)        March 2020 saw the European Broadcasting Union announce they were to cancel the 2020 edition of which song contest?
A3)        2020 Eurovision Song Contest.   It was cancelled due to Covid-19.   (I still say Uno, by Russian entry, Little Big, stood a very good chance of winning.   They’re a Russian band singing in Spanish and English.   How more Eurovision do you want?)

Q4)        In April, the traditional Urbi et Orbi Easter message was delivered by live stream: rather than to a live audience. By whom: the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Pope or the Archimandrite of Alexandria?
A4)        The Pope.   (The same month saw YouTube ban videos that linked 5g mobile masts to Covid-19.)

Q5)        Late May saw protest start in the US: against the death of whom?
A5)        George Floyd.

Q6)        June saw the number of confirmed cases of the disease in Q2 exceed what: five million, ten million or twenty million?
A6)        Ten million.

Q7)        Kim Jong-un declared a state of emergency in his country.   What is that country: North Korea, Vietnam or South Korea?
A7)        North Korea.

Q8)        August, 2020: the Africa Regional Certification Commission declared Africa was free of what: SARS-CoV-2, Smallpox or Polio?
A8)        Polio.

Q9)        A copy of The Two Noble Kinsmen was discovered in Salamanca, in Spain.   The Two Noble Kinsmen is the last play co-writen by who: Ben Jonson, William Shakespeare or Thomas Middleton?
A9)        William Shakespeare.

Q10)        October of this saw the Falkland Islands declared free of what: landmines, SARS-CoV-2 or penguins?
A10)        Landmines.

Q11)        November saw the USA hold its presidential election.   Who is due to become president as a result?
A11)        Joe Biden.   (Despite what Donald Trump thinks.)

Q12)        Finally … ?   December saw Margaret Keenan became the first person vaccinated against what?
A12)        Covid-19.
Here’s a wish …
“Happy New Year!”
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah, I should have phrased it as civilian, Olga!   What IS the word for a non-emergency services person?   I honestly couldn’t tell you!   But if your pupils have an idea, I’d love to hear it!

†        Hello, Mum.   Come on, the Russian entry wasn’t that bad!

‡        Yeah, there’s always that one, Debbi!   (Ooh … Hopefully I’ll the write up done for Revolution go The Daleks done quickly!)

^        Yeah: hopefully we’ll end up with the Cold Weather payment, Edith, if that’s what you meant?   Oh, I should have the Revolution of The Daleks post up, not long after the show airs in the UK: I’ll run it past, you, Debbi, and the rest of the gang, as soon as I do: there might be spoilers, so you know.


  1. Q1) Janus
    Q2) Alexandra Palace
    Q3) A sash
    Q4) The First of January (the first day of the solar calendar). For South Koreans is a different date…
    Q5) Jewish
    I have a bit of time off yet before I start the lessons (here the presents, traditionally, are given on the 6th of January, for Epiphany, and children don't go back to school until some time after that. And Anna, the 16 year old, had some exams the first week back, so they were going to get in touch to decide when we should restart the lessons. I have the first lesson with my new (older and a beginner student) on the 13th of January, so that will be interesting. Take care and remember the garlic next time! (I love garlic!)

  2. A1 Janus (The two faced god of transitions)
    A2 Alexandra Palace (since 2008)
    A3 sash
    A4 1st January
    A5 Jewish New Year

    It is good to be able to breath in the feel of FREEDOM now that we are no longer ruled by the Gestapo of Brussels.

    There was a great rousing message from the Prime minister in today’s Daily Telegraph.

    I also noticed that my father’s name (Wilfred) has jumped up to no 9 in the list of boy’s names for 2020 babies. That beats Archie which is 10th.

    Wilfred is the names of Boris's baby.

  3. 1 Mars
    2 Lakeside
    3 Sash
    4 1st January
    5 Jewish

  4. I'm always cautious about those possible spoilers! :)

    1. Janus
    2. Alexandra Palace
    3. a sash
    4. January 1
    5. Jewish

  5. !. Janua
    2. Lakeside
    3. Sash
    4. Jan 15th
    5. Judaism

    Yes, Paul, that is what I meant


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