
Sunday 10 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th January, 2021.

10th January, 2021.

You know … 

I think we can say it’s cold out!

I know: I’ve just had a look: both outside … and at the BBC’s Weather page.

Quite what they mean by ‘a gentle Breeze,’ though?

I really don’t know.

Get out onto Saint James Road, most days, and you get a wind tunnel.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Trevor‡, Edith^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four, and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        10th January, 1836, saw the birth of farmer, Charles Ingalls.   He features in the Little House on the Prairie novels written by one of his four daughters.   Which daughter: Mary Ingalls, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Carrie Ingalls Swansey or Grace Ingalls Dow?

Q2)        10th January is Fête du Vodoun.   Where: Algeria, Benin or Chad?

Q3)        10th January, 1903, saw the birth of Dame Barbara Hepworth.   What was she: a painter, sculptor or poet?

Q4)        The UN’s General Assembly met for the first time: on 10 January, 1946.   In which European city: Rome, London or Paris?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Milton Parker, one time owner of the Carnegie Deli, was born on 10th January, 1919.   The Deli was in which US city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Joan Baez was born: on 9th January of which year of the 1940s?
A1)        1941.

Q2)        What — in 1963 — was the name of her first UK hit single?
A2)        We Shall Overcome.

Q3)        Her first album was called Joan Baez.   It was released, when: 1960, 1961 or 1962?
A3)        1960.

Q4)        Famously, she played at the original Woodstock Festival.   In which year of the 1960s?
A4)        1969.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which technology magnate did she date in the 1980s?
A5)        Steve Jobs.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’m a sort of human spaniel.”
Johnnie Ray, 10 January 1927 – 24 February 1990.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        No guitar!   We’re going to have to get you a violin, Olga!   And yes: there’s been arrests: the QAnon Shaman seems to have been picked up.   Whether that’s for trespass or the silly outfit, I don’t know!

†        Hello, Mum!   Are we still on for dinner!?

‡        Morning, Trevor!   

^        That reminds me, Edith, I’ve got to get another load on: I’m onto my dark t-shirts.   (Including a Mandalorian one!)

ª        Me neither, Debbi.   (I HAD a clue, once.   I think it’s down the back of the sofa!)   Oh, I thought I’d pass this on, as you and Edith might not have heard of John Bishop … 


  1. Q1) Laura Ingalls Wilder (It seems there was some controversy about how much Laura’s daughter helped her mother with her writing, but it has been accepted that although the daughter edited and collaborated with the mother, most of the writing was Laura’s. The daughter sounds like a pretty extreme right-wing conservative not very fond of FDR…)
    Q2) Benin
    Q3) A sculptor. The Hepworth Museum in Wakefield is well-worth a visit. (There are some models of her sculpture outside of John Lewis in Oxford Street). And there are quite a few of her sculptures at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (I can’t recommend it enough if you’re anywhere near that neck of the woods at some point, although be prepared for a walk. Most of it is outdoors, and it’s wonderful).
    Q4) London
    Q5) New York
    There used to be a cheap guitar around the house, but my parents must have got rid of it at some point (or at least I couldn't find it). Nobody knew how to play it, so it's not surprising. Next year I'll ask the Three Wise Men to bring me one, or I might borrow one for a photo opportunity (perhaps I'll get a photo opportunity through the radio at some point...)
    I keep thinking that perhaps the spirit of a Native American Warrior will take issue with that idiot (QAnon Shaman) and make him think twice about his outfit.
    It's been terribly windy here as well. We went for a walk with my mother and at some points, I thought we should have taken an anchor with us (or at least some heavy dumbbells). The Christmas lights are still up, and I was surprised they didn't take off!

  2. A1 Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder
    A2 Benin
    A3 sculptor
    A4 London from your list but actually the City of Westminster.
    A5 New York City

    Yes it is very cold out there. I grabbed a scarf and wrapped it round the lower part of my face to fend off the cold when I went for my paper.
    Stopped on the way back to chat to a neighbour ,at a social distance , and saw him looking at my scarf.
    This got me worried about which part of “Scunthorpe United” was showing. Well when I got home and took it off I realised that he had been looking at the Canadian first native representation of an Orca (Killer Whale) as I was wearing a Vancouver Canucks scarf.

  3. 1 Laura Ingalls Wilder
    2 Chad
    3 Sculptor
    4 Paris
    5 New York

  4. I'll have to remember this guy. He's funny!

    1. Laura Ingalls Wilder
    2. Benin
    3. sculptor
    4. London
    5. New York City

  5. 1. Laura Ingalls Wilder

    2. Algeria
    3. sculptor
    4. Paris
    5. New York


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