
Monday 18 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th January, 2021.

18th January, 2021.

Right … Things are truly occurring … 

Although, I suspect, not to me!

I’m expecting a comparatively quiet day … 

Although, saying that … ?

I’ve just put the phone down on on someone claiming to be from BT Openreach, phoning from 01953 887 975,  telling me there’s a problem with my router.

This … ?   At 8:20 … !

I put the phone down … 

I’ll given them credit for persistence.

But not for interrupting me … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser sawOlga*, Mum†, and Debbiª putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on eight.

The day also saw Edith looking in to say ‘Hello.’

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        18th January, 1871, saw Wilhelm 1st named as Kaiser.   In other words: he became emperor of where?

Q2)        18th January, 1978, saw the European Court of Human Rights find the UK government of mistreating prisoners from where: Cyprus, Northern Ireland or Greece?

Q3)        The Euphronios Krater was unveiled in Rome: on 18th January, 2008.   The krater is an antique bowl for what: stew, wine or ketchup?

Q4)        18th January, 1945, saw the birth of Sir Rocco Forte.   Sir Rocco is chairman of a UK company that runs a chain of what: hotels, pubs or restaurants?

Q5)        Finally … ?   18th December is the feast day of Saint Margaret of Hungary.   She’s usually depicted, holding what: a rose, a lily or an orchid?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th January, 1942, saw the birth of Muhammad Ali.   Under which name?
A1)        Cassius Clay.

Q2)        He changed his name to Muhammad Ali in which year: 1963, 1964 or 1965?
A2)        1964.

Q3)        He was born in which Kentucky city?
A3)        Louisville.

Q4)        He won his first Olympic medal in which year of the 1960s?
A4)        1960.

Q5)        At which weight: middleweight, light heavyweight or heavyweight?
A5)        Despite his later fame as a heavyweight? Light Heavyweight.

Q6)        He made his professional debut in October of which year of the 1960s?
A6)        1960.    (Against Tunney Hunsacker.)

Q7)        25th February, 1964, saw Ali first fight whom for the first time: Rocky Marciano, Floyd Patterson or Sonny Liston?
A7)        Sonny Liston.   (The fight was one of the biggest sporting events shown.)

Q8)        1974 saw Ali fight George Forman: in Kinshasa, in what’s what’s now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   The fight was billed as the Rumble in the what?
A8)        The Rumble in the Jungle.

Q9)        His technique in that match was known as the Rope-a-what technique?
A9)        Rope-a-Dope.

Q10)        Finally?   Ali’s footwork is known as the Ali … what?
A10)        The Ali shuffle.
Here’s a thought … 
“They can be applauding you one moment, and booing you the next.   The thing to know is that you have done a good job, then it doesn’t hurt to be criticized.”
Cary Grant, January 18, 1904 – November 29, 1986.
And a song … as it’s David Ruffin’s birthday …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I have to say, Olga, the basic idea sounds fine.   But I have my doubts.   If I’ve got it right, the Spanish version was €462, wasn’t it?   About £410.   The Greens are saying they’d pay the equivalent of £356 every four weeks.   The problem, there?   The UC system includes different components.   There’s a basic amount unemployed worker gets: which can be topped up with extras if you have children, or rent a flat.   My basic is normally smaller than the Basic income: so the figures I’ve seen is good.   But it doesn’t seem to include a housing benefit component: which makes up roughly half my Universal Credit.   That’s before you factor in any problems caused by changing from UC to Basic Income: that’s where arrears build up!

†        I’ll try and keep my eyes peeled for that, Mum: is it on iPlayer, do you know?

‡        Here’s hoping, Debbi.   Oh … Neil Gaiman’s done a brief obituary of Storm … 

^        That’s ok, Edith!   A woman’s gotta do what a woman’s gotta do!  :D


  1. Q1) Germany
    Q2) Northern Ireland
    Q3) Wine
    Q4) Hotels
    Q5) A lily
    The thing in Spain is not really a Basic Universal Income as it is not truly universal, and as far as I know, very few people have managed to qualify or get paid yet. The idea should be that everybody would actually be entitled to it, and that would reduce a lot of the paperwork, the stress, and the time wasted. I know they've tried it in Finland and in Alaska it has been going on for a long time (but that comes from their oil. They don't pay taxes either as they use the money from the oil to pay for the expenses).
    Like many other things here, the Spanish idea sounds good on paper, but it's rubbish in practice (trying to jump through the hoops to get it seems to be a nightmare), and, of course, the other parties are not in agreement, so it's not bound to survive long. Not that I am cynical or anything...
    Take care.

  2. A1 The German Empire or the Imperial State of Germany.
    A2 Northern Ireland
    A3 Mixing Wine with Water.
    A4 Hotels
    A5 a lily

    I was not too well yesterday. So zonked out I switched off the Liverpool vs Man United game and was in bed by 18.00. 13 hours sleep later and I am feeling great. Even hyper as a result of a few cups of coffee.

  3. 1 Germany
    2 Northern Ireland
    3 Wine
    4 Restaurants
    5 Lily

  4. Wow! What an honor. Too bad one can't be around to enjoy such an honor!

    1. Germany
    2. Northern Ireland
    3. wine
    4. hotels
    5. a lily

  5. 1, Germany
    3. Wine
    4. restaurants
    5. Lilly

    Things are looking better.


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