
Sunday 3 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-1-2021: Alaska

3rd January, 2021.

Right … 

It’s officially official … 

I’ve got time, tonight, to watch the next episode of Star Trek Discovery.

After putting in a lot of work watching Revolution of the Daleks.


I don’t think it’s going to re-introduce us to a revived Torchwood: my comment on the review says as much.

But … ?

I think the episode, itself, is fine.

And I’m looking forward to seeing how John Bishop does.


Let’s move on, shall we?   As I’ve got my teatowels boiling!

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum‡, Trevor† and Debbi^ and putting in their answers: with Olga and Trevor scoring five out of five, Debbi on four, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Alaska was admitted to the United States.   On 3rd January pf which year of the 1950s?

Q2)        It was what state to join: the 49th, 50th or 51st?

Q3)        Alaska’s the largest state in terms of area.   What’s the smallest: Rhode Island, New York or Wyoming?

Q4)        Alaska was originally colonised by Europeans from where: the UK, Russia or France?

Q5)        Alaska’s separated from that country, in part, by the what Strait?

Q6)        Alaska repealed its income tax in 1980. After the discovery — in 1968 — of what: gold, oil or silicon?

Q7)        Juneau is Alaska’s what: largest city or capital?

Q8)        The Alaskan town of Barrow is the setting for 30 Days of Night.   The film sees Barrow invaded by what: zombies, vampires or werewolves?

Q9)        Alaska adopted its state dog in 2010.   The dog in question is the Alaskan … what?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Jack London’s White Fang is partially set in Alaska.   The central character is a white … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The last Islamic kingdom in Europe fell to the Spanish crown: on 2nd January, 1492. That Emirate was the Emirate of where: Al Andalus, Granada or Almoravid?
A1)        Granada.

Q2)        The fourth state to ratify the US Constitution, did so on 2nd January, 1788. Which state was it?
A2)        Georgia.

Q3)        2nd January is the feast day of Saint Basil of Caesarea. The Caesarea concerned was where: Israel, Turkey or Lebanon?
A3)        Turkey.

Q4)        2nd January, 1935, saw the start of the trial of Bruno Hauptmann. For kidnapping which pilot’s child?
A4)        Charles Lindbergh’s.

Q5)        Finally … ? 2nd January, 1975, saw the US Congress approve the Federal Rules of what: banking, evidence or telecommunications?
A5)        Evidence.
Here’s a thought …
“North to the Future.”
Alaska’s motto.
And a statesong …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ll let you know, Olgaª: once I’ve used some.   I’d imagine it’s a touch sweeter than the usual sort: Wikipedia says the colour is a result of it being caramelised.   Hmmm … possibly might do well in a chilli: mine tend to be sweet and hot.
The testing went well.   It’s for the ONS, the government’s statistics body: they’re basically monitoring COVID-19.   I get to do my bit, and earn a £25 Amazon voucher.

†        Hello, Mumª!

‡        Forty to ninety minutes, Trevorª?   I’m saying nothing about a certain relative’s phone calls!   At ANY rate?   I enjoyed the special, myself: I felt the producers managed to avoid the politics that riled people, and concentrate on an entertaining story.   My written review’s here, and the video one, here, if you or Penny want to comment.

^        Enjoy it, Debbiª!   The reviews, and the show!

ª        Sorry about not letting people know about the amount of questions, today: it’s been a little busy!   At ANY rate?   There’s a ten question numbers set on the 14th, though, so every one knows.


  1. Q1) 1959
    Q2) 49th
    Q3) Rhode Island
    Q4) Russia
    Q5) The Bering Strait
    Q6) oil
    Q7) Capital
    Q8) vampires
    Q9) Malamute
    Q10) wolfdog
    Yes, do keep me posted. I read some comments about the Dr Who Episode on the doctor's website, where there were some jokes about the Daleks (actually more than bout the Daleks they were joking that they would be too discerning to accept some of the people going around behaving in stupid ways and spreading misinformation to be one of them).
    I am due to participate in a study later this month as well, for a few weeks. This is a private thing and more to do with technology, and Amazon vouchers are involved. I've had to sign a non-disclosure agreement and all, so... I'm intrigued. We'll see.

  2. A1 1959
    A2 49th
    A3 Rhode Island
    A4 Russia
    A5 Bering
    A6 oil
    A7 capital
    A8 vampires
    A9 Malamute
    A10 Wolfdog

    I will send Penny your written Link. There was Politics in this episode with the main villain still being a caricature of Trump as he was when on before. But I will agree there was no politics forced on us in this depisoded.

  3. 1 1955
    2 51st
    3 RhodeIsland
    4 Russia
    5 Bering Strait
    6 Oil
    7 Capital
    8 Vampires
    9 Husky
    10 Wolf

  4. It was a good show. Nice to see the "ugly American" business guy balanced some by good old Captain Jack. I guess. :)

    1. 1959
    2. 49th
    3. Rhode Island
    4. Russia
    5. Bering
    6. oil
    7. capital
    8. vampires (That would be the perfect place for them, huh?)
    9. Malamute
    10. wolfdog

    I'm going to miss Graham and Ryan. Glad Yas (sp?) is staying on! :)

  5. 1. 1956
    2. 49
    3.Rhode Island
    4. Russia
    5. Strait of Gibraltar
    8. Vampire
    9. Malamute
    10 Wolf


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