
Tuesday 9 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser 9-2-2021: Halley’s Comet … 

9th February, 2021.

Something you’ll notice, if you watch my intro video the whole way through?   Is the ending.

Yes: that’s taken from the main door of the building.

That’s pretty nasty for around here!


You’ve worked out I’m not working, at the moment: haven’t you?

And that I’m getting a UK benefit called Universal Credit: and, as such?   I — like everyone else on the benefit — am getting an extra twenty pounds a week, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

That benefit, however?   Is due to end in March.

There’s been complaints about that, over the past few weeks.

I’ve felt the planned one-off payments aren’t a good alternative, that marking the £20 uplift is better, and that it should be made permanent.

Most recently from the Work and Pensions Secretary, Therese Coffey.

Today, however?   We see that the Commons Work and Pensions committee agrees with her.

Sort of.

They’ve insisted that the uplift should remain in place for at least another year.

I’m say it again: I would prefer it to be permanent.

But another year would be a good thing.


The US Senate is doing more work, today: towards impeaching former US president, Donald Trump.

Good thing too: encouraging your supporters to storm Congress seems slightly naughty, to say the least.

About the only thing I’ll give the former president?

Is authorising Project Artemis: a planned US moon shot.

My only concern, when President Biden was elected?   Was whether he’d cancel that.

After all, President Obama — Joe Biden had been Obama’s Vice President — had cut NASA’s funding: and been heavily criticised for doing so by no less than Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon.


President Biden has decided to keep funding the project.

I’m glad to hear it.

The USA used to be a space leader.

With the United Arab Emirates heading for Mars*, it needs to catch up.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Robin†, Olga‡, Trevor^, Mumª, and Debbiº putting in their answers: with Robin, Olga, Trevor, and Debbi on five out of five, and Mum own four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The last appearance of Halley’s Comet in the Inner Solar system took place: on 9th February of which year of the 1980s?

Q2)        The comet’s next due to appear in which year of the 2060s?

Q3)        The Comet’s official designation is 1 what/Halley: P, B or G?

Q4)        The Comet is named after astronomer, Edmond Halley.   He’d worked out the length of its orbit in which year: 1705, 1706 or 1707?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The comet appeared in 1066: before the Norman invasion of England.   It’s on the Bayeux what as a result: Tapestry, Embroidery or Blanket?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        8th February, 1932, saw the birth of film composer, John Williams.   What 1974 film was the first he worked on for Steven Spielberg?
A1)        The Sugarland Express.

Q2)        8th February is the feast day of Saint Cuthmann of Steyning.   He’s traditionally associated with what: a shovel, a wheelbarrow or a garden fork?
A2)        A wheelbarrow.

Q3)        8th February, 1931, saw the birth of actor, James Dean.   In which film did he play Jim Stark?
A3)        Rebel Without A Cause. (Who said Game of Thrones?   That was Sean Bean as Ned Start!)

Q4)        8th February, 1921, saw the birth of actress, Lana Turner.   In which 1946 film did she play Cora Smith?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Stasi were set up: on 8th February, 1950.   They were which country’s secret police: East Germany’s, West Germany’s or Poland’s?
A5)        East Germany’s.
Here’s a thought … 
‘Halley’s periodic returns to the inner Solar System have been observed and recorded by astronomers around the world since at least 240 BC.’
From the Wikipedia entry on Halley’s Comet.
And a song …

According to Wikipedia, the name ‘Halley,’ rhymes with ‘valley’.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The UK cancelled its Black Arrow project, its satellite launcher, in 1971.   We cancelled.   I’m proudly British and English, but that piece of blind, arrant, short-sighted, piece of complete, utter,  total, stupidity leaves me raging.   It should be us heading for Mars!   Instead?   We see the UAE, China and India launching Mars probes.   And the UK’s nowhere in the race!

†        Pass my regards to your husband, Robin!   I’m on Metformin as well: and, lord, it makes you fart!   
At any rate?   It’s nice to hear you’re still working.   Good for you: I hope the job’s stays open!   The employment market, here is iffy, what with one thing and another!
Oh, have you watched today’s intro video?   I loved Max Headroom!

‡        Good luck with the extra students, Olga: I’ll keep me fingers crossed!   As for Anna and Jordi … ?   Hmmm … is it worth asking — discreetly — if there’s any issues for her?   It could simply be she’s better with — say — sports, than languages?   Actually, she’d share that with my sister, Anna: who’s the sporting member of the family!   And it sounds like Jordi’s good with context.   Always handy!
I’ve still not heard back about the job … we’ll have to see!
Oh … did you ever hear of a band called Mud¹ … ?   They were big, back in the day!

^        Oh, yes!   Oh, cheers for the donation, Trevor: that’s money that’ll be gratefully received.

ª        Hello, Mum!

º        It would be good, Debbi!   Trouble is … there’s possibly too many jailed Proud Boys who’d be queueing up to say hello!

¹        There’s an old saying: that any good glam rock band consisted of three plumbers and a show off.   Mud were certainly that.   As were Slade, and the Sensational Alex Harvey Band.


  1. A1 1986
    A2 2061
    A3 P
    A4 1705
    A5 Tapestry

    The donation was not a problem. February is one of the four months of the year when I get 5 pensions. I have to get by in the other months on 3 pensions.

    The government added to the donation as a result of gift tax.

    For my pensions I have 4 different tax codes. The amount of the state Pension is deducted from your tax free allowance. So that removes most of your tax free allowance.

  2. Q1) 1986
    Q2) 2061
    Q3) P
    Q4) 1705
    Q5) Tapestry
    I'd heard the Mud's song you've shared but didn't know the name of the group. I will think about Anna. She's definitely not into sports. She used to play basketball, but she had to leave it because of her asthma and doesn't seem to do much sport now, at least she doesn't express an interest. She seems to work very hard, but I think she's better at science subjects than at anything to do with letters. Although her mother is around, sometimes, we don't get to talk alone. I'll try and investigate further if I get a chance.
    Good luck with everything. (Oh, and the other two students, I'm not sure when that will be. When I eventually heard from the mother, after I tried to make contact again, she told me that there had been a death in the family last week, and they're having difficulty coping with it, so not the best of times for the poor family. I imagine they put the thing in motion before this happened, and it has come at a bad time. She's supposed to get in touch at some point in the week, but we shall see).

  3. 1 1986
    2 2061
    3 G
    4 1707
    5 Tapestry

  4. Well, we'll see how things go. At this point, I'm just glad to be alive and functioning. :)

    1. 1986
    2. 2061
    3. P
    4. 1705
    5. Tapestry

  5. 1.1985
    5. Tapestry.


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