
Sunday 7 February 2021

The Mandalorian — Series 2 Episode 1 — Chapter 9 The Marshal — A Review

6th February, 2021.

Yes: it’s officially Saturday night: and one that sees my part of Brentwood getting rained on.

It’s a good thing I’m out of cash.

I’d hate to be out in this weather!

Frankly, though?

I’m glad to stay in: as it means I can get an early night.

After getting a start on this post: knowing I’ll be able to tell you about the first episode of The Mandalorianseries two, in the morning.

7th February, 2021.

Right … I’m back: and ready to tell you about The Mandalorian, season two.

Episode 1 - Chapter 9The Marshal — opens with a summary of last season: and then moves on.

Showing us that the Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) is still accompanied by the Child.

And is searching for other Mandalorians, ones who may to help him find the Child’s mythical people: the sorcerers known as the Jedi … !

To that end … ?   He has to meet a gangster called Gor Koresh (voiced by John Leguizamo): who has information for him.

That there’s a Mandalorian — at least someone in Mandalorian armour — on the desert planet of Tatooine.

The person wearing that armour?

Is Cobb Vanth (Timothy Olyphant): the Marshal of a little town called Mos Pelgos.

Vanth?   Is happy to let the Mandalorian have the armour: it rightly belongs to the People of Mandalore, after all.

There’s just one thing.

The town needs a hand with a little problem … … 


Now … 

Is it good to see the new series of The Mandalorian?   After what — for me — is quite a gap?   After all, the second series started airing at the end of October, last year.

Frankly, I was glued to Watchmen*, and Fury from the Deep, at the time: and planning on watching Star Trek Discovery’s third season, next.

Possibly a mistake.   Although a mistake with a bonus: Star Trek Discovery’s third season is a cracking series that takes the show in an interesting direction.

But I’m digressing, aren’t I … ?

This first episode reintroduces us to the show’s main character, Din Djaran, to the Child, to supporting characters, old and new.

It re-introduces us to this part of the Star Wars universe, as well: and gives us an entertainingly opening story with a mission — stopping the Krayt Dragon — as well giving us a mystery.

The bald man at the end of the episode.   Who IS that … ?

It’s a conundrum, isn’t it?

OK, granted: I could possibly pick a hole or two.

About the only one I could?

Is simply the dragon, itself.

You’re possibly aware that Franco-Chilean director, Alejandro Jodorowsky, tried making a version of Frank Herbert’s Dune, in the mid seventies: and shopped his incredibly expensive vision to every Hollywood studio that would listen: including 20th Century Fox, the original distributers of Star Wars.

Desert planets?   Mystical warriors?   Tyrannical empires?

You tell me where George Lucas got the idea!

At ANY rate … ?

I saw that Krayt dragon and started thinking about sandworms.

At any rate?

Sir Terry Pratchett once made a good point.

That escapist literature was a good thing, if you were escaping to, rather than from.

And that escapist literature went from EastEnders, to Dr Who, to Shakespeare.

I think he’d include westerns: even westerns with lasers and aliens†.

Good escapist literature — and I’m including films and TV shows, here — gives you mind a chance to escape: and to visit old friends, and familiar places, even if those faces and places are entirely fictional.

What we seem to have in The Marshal?

Is very good escapism.

And a very promising start to The Mandalorian’s second season.

I’ll be watching episode two, next week.

*        Watchmen is superb: if you haven’t seen it, you really should.

†        I’ve not yet seen the third season of Westworld.   Quite when I will … ?   I don’t know.

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