
Monday 22 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-3-2021: The Shat!

22nd March, 2021.

It’s officially official: I’ve had an email!

And not just any old email, no!

One reminding me that I’d not paid my Car tax!

I’ve obviously been very lax.

It’s a scam, of course.

How do I know?

The email address it was from — — looked seriously fake.   UK Government ones will come from

And the UK body that you pay the tax too is the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, not the spurious ‘Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency.’

What’s more?   It’s not a car tax.   It’s Vehicle Excise Duty*.

The website it took me to … ?

Looked like the UK government’s one.

But again, had a spurious address.

The big clue, though?

The one that told me I’d been targeted by a bunch of chancers, sending out mass emails to try tricking people into handing out money … ?

Is simply this.

I don’t have a car to tax.

I don’t drive.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Trevor‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº‚ putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor, Debbi and Edith scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        22nd March saw the birth of actor, William Shatner: in which year of the 1930s?

Q2)        In which country … ?

Q3)        He played Captain James T. Kirk, in Star Trek.   What did the T stand for … ?

Q4)        In the 1980s, he payed the title character in T. J. Hooker.   T. J. Hooker was a what: police officer, chef or private eye?

Q5)        Finally … ?   1989 saw him win three Golden Raspberry Awards.   For which Star Trek film: Star Trek IV, Star Trek V or Star Trek VI?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st March is International Colour Day.   Spell colour … in American English.
A1)        Color.

Q2)        There are three primary colours, in what’s called additive colour mixing, known as RGB: red, green and what?
A2)        Blue.   (Additive colours are the dots on an old fashioned TV set.)

Q3)        There are three main colours, in subtractive colour mixing: cyan, magenta … and what?
A3)        Yellow.   (To this day? I’ve not quite got the hang of the difference!)

Q4)        The RYB colour wheel is used when mixing what: paint, light or food?
A4)        Paint: and other pigments.

Q5)        Finally … ?   In colour theory, a tint is a colour mixed with what: black, white or grey?
A5)        White.
Here’s a thought … 
Star Trek never really caught on with audiences, ran for three seasons, and was canceled.   I wish I had taken notes at the time, because you people sure do have a lot of questions about it.”
William Shatner.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        From what I remember of my limited time working for HM Customs and Excise?   It’s collected by the DVLA on behalf of Customs and Excise: or HM Revenue and Customs, it’s modern successor.

†        Oh, BOY, the building, Olga¹!   The latest I know, is that work’s supposed to have been done at a nearby block of flats: to see if they can support the weight of the various bits of kit.   That mast is a temporary one … for EE and Three customers!   O2, my service provider?   Are going to be updating us on Friday … 
Heigh … ho!

‡        No ‘U,’ Trevor¹?   Revolting!   At any rate?   From what I’ve understood, the ONS will be sending people out to folks who haven’t filled their forms in … 

^        Hello, Mum¹!   Oh, about cyan?   The lettering at the start of this video is in cyan.

ª        You know, Edith was saying exactly the same thing, the other day, Debbi¹!   Oh, by the way?   I listen to the Today programme, in the morning.
They mentioned this Kickstarter project.   I think that’s going to appeal … … 

º        I’m keeping my fingers crossed, Edith¹!   It would be nice to see sunshine.
And yes, you’re right: the amount of people who don’t have a ’net connection is sad.   Yes: there’s scams around.   But lord, they’re useful … 

¹        I have to admit, I love Shatner’s version of Let’s Work Together … !


  1. Q1) 1931

    Q2) Canada

    Q3) Tiberius (I’d never known that!)

    Q4) A police officer

    Q5) Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (and they almost manage to make it the final one). To tell you the truth, although I’ve watched a few of the movies (or probably all, over the years) I can never remember which one is which one.
    I hope they have some good news when you eventually hear from the mobile phone company.
    You comment about the Scam... They do try. Sometimes the problem is they might hit on something. I remember one day I was actually expecting a parcel and I got one of these notices. I never pay any attention, but because I was expecting a parcel and I was at work, it was a bit unnerving. And, at work, I couldn't fully access my e-mail, so I ended up contacting the IT department for the Trust, and I guess they weren't too busy that day, because they had a look and then told me it was some pretty elaborate virus. Somehow, I got the feeling that they enjoyed doing something a bit different and got quite excited (rather than having to set up some account or get somebody back online who'd managed to lock themselves out of their computer or the system). In general, I found them quite accommodating, although, of course, sometimes it was difficult to communicate, as they had no idea about what we needed from a medical/psychiatric point of view, and most of us had little understanding about what the system could do.
    Of course, any mention of Star Trek gets "Star Trekking across the Universe" playing on a loop inside my brain.

  2. A1 1931
    A2 The French part of Canada
    A3 Tiberius
    A4 police officer
    A5 Star Trek V

    William Shatner even appears on the program that I watch on the History Channel – The Curse of Oak Island.

  3. 1 1931
    2 Canada
    3 Thomas
    4 Police Officer
    5 Star Trek V1

  4. 1.1933
    3. Tiberious
    4. police officer
    5. Star Trek five 5

    Yes. The internet is so helpful.

  5. Shatner's singing is good. For a laugh. :)

    1. 1931
    2. Canada
    3. Tiberius
    4. police officer
    5. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

    That looks like quite the Kickstarter! I would say it's high time, but you know what Adams said about the sound of deadlines! :)


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