
Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th April, 2021

27th April, 2021.

Right … I’ve had a haircut!

Yesterday, in case you hadn’t guessed.

And, lord, that feels a lot better!

Frankly?   The place I went to when the recent restrictions ended?

Is somewhere I’m going to be avoiding, next time!


You’ll possibly remember, that I was due a meeting, yesterday: with my caseworker from the Work And Health Programme I’m on.

And was supposed to be having that meeting in a community hall, at some distance from my home.

At least, that’s what I’d been told.

It turns out … that my case worker had pushed the wrong button, at his end: and that our meeting was supposed to be a phone meeting.

That was fun.   Given that I’d put a load of washing on, in my extremely noisy washing machine*: in the expectation of being out of the house.

There are times I could spit!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Trevor‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº, putting in their answers: with Olga and Trevor scoring five out of five, and Mum, Debbi and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        27th April is the Day of Russian Parliamentarianism.   The Russian Parliament is what: the Duma, Federal Assembly or Congress?

Q2)        27th April is also Independence Day in Sierra Leone.   Sierra Leone is on which continent?   Africa, Asia or Antarctica?

Q3)        27th is Independence Day in Togo.   Togo is on which continent?   Africa, Asia or Europe?

Q4)        Betty Boothroyd was elected Speaker of the House of Commons, on 27th April of which year: 1991, 1992 or 1993?

Q5)        Finally?   27th April, 1822, saw the birth of the 18th President of the USA.   Who was he: Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant or Rutherford B. Hayes?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        26th April, 1986, saw a nuclear disaster at a Nuclear Power plant in Chernobyl.   Plant and city were in which country: the USSR, the USA or the UK?.
A1)        The USSR.

Q2)        The accident was in Reactor Number what: Four, Five or Six?
A2)        Reactor № Four.

Q3)        The reactor was hit by two explosions.   After a bungled what: safety test, or fuel top-up?
A3)        Safety test.

Q4)        Lieutenant Volodymyr Pravyk and his crew, were some of the first on the scene.   Were they policemen, miners or fire-fighters? 
A4)        Fire-fighters.   Volodymyr died of radiation burns from doing his job: not long after his only child was born.   Doesn’t that make you weep … ?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Reactor #2 was shut down in 1991.   Reactors #1 and #3 were shut down, when: 1995, 1996 or 1997?
A5)        1996¹.
Here’s a thought … 
“Independence I have long considered as the grand blessing of life, the basis of every virtue; and independence I will ever secure by contracting my wants, though I were to live on a barren heath.”
From A Vindication of the Rights of Women, by Mary Wollstonecraft, 27 April 1759 – 10 September 1797.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        If the machine’s on, and I’m in, I don’t film the teaser videos, or make phone calls.   You’d not be able to hear me … 

†        Yeah: that meeting was something of a mess, Olga¹.   I’m thankful I’d emailed my case worker, when I got the alert asking what was going on.   I just wish he’d got back to me, before I got up at five in the morning, and put the washing on!   The only upside to the day was getting a haircut!
(The thing I found saddest?   And I think he’s mentioned in the TV show?   Was the death, of radiation burns, of Lieutenant Volodymyr Pravyk:  not long after his first child was born.   He was 23 … )

‡        The Knight’s Way hall’s rather nice, Trevor¹: we could’ve done with something like that, on my estate!   And I knew you were local: I believe you’ve mentioned the bus stop.
I think Bill and Ben, and Andy Pandy, finished when I was a child.   (The old joke?   Was that Bill and Ben was cancelled: because they found the pair smoking Little Weed …)

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        I’ll look forward to it, Debbi!   I’ve STILL not started Deep Six!

º        Morning, Edith!   How IS the day … ?

¹        Trevor, Olga, I’ve handed out extra points, there: as the date is my bad.   But I based my question on this bit of the relevant Wikipedia article.   I saw the first paragraph … and completely overlooked the second one, that contradicts it!


  1. Q1) The Federal Assembly

    Q2) Africa

    Q3) Africa (It seems it was a pretty good day for African nations in general)

    Q4) 1992

    Q5) Ulysses S. Grant
    Yes, the article wasn't very well written at all and the dates were all a bit messy. I did read about the firefighter. Terrible. It's a hard job in the best of circumstances, but when such things happen, it gives you pause. And it was scary to read that they kept others working on the site as well, even after the accident. I'm not surprised that the Ukrainians wondered if it hadn't been all a plot... To place such little value on people's lives.
    Good job you asked, indeed, although yes, it would have been useful to know beforehand. It sounded weird, but they should have a better system, at least one that flashed a warning when you changed the setting or your usual arrangements, methinks... One can't but hope that other arrangements are in place to avoid people causing great damage if they press the wrong button. And good news about the haircut. It gets very annoying when you have to keep hiding from your own image.

  2. A1 Federal Assembly (State Duma is the lower house)
    A2 Africa
    A3 Africa
    A4 1992
    A5 Ulysses S. Grant

    Before that Community centre lost a bit of its car park (when they squeezed in some housing to the side of it) there used to be a small car boot sale in the car park and in the hall once a month on a Sunday. I used to wander there to have a poke around. I occasionally bought plants there and there was a good little cafe inside the hall. Just right for a cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich.

    I notice that the Day Index page of Wikipedia has reverted back to it’s old formate.

  3. 1 Duma
    2 Africa
    3 Asia
    4 1993
    5 Andrew Johnson

  4. Please read that one. I've heard it's not half bad. :)

    1. the Duma
    2. Africa
    3. Africa
    4. 1992
    5. Ulysses S. Grant

  5. 1. Duma
    2. Africa
    3. Africa
    4. 1993
    5. Rutherford B. Hayes

    Paul that was a great recording. I too had only heard the Paul Young version. The voice sounds familiar. Now I can put a name to it. Thank you.

    Here is a song I like.


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